Meet the 20-21 eBoard

President Caitlin O’Brien 
Astrophysics & Astronomy and Physics Major
Dublin, OH

My name is Caitlin O’Brien, a rising sophomore double majoring in astronomy and physics who will be serving as your president of Ohio State’s Astronomical Society this year. Astronomy is an enormous part of my life; in addition to Astro Society, I intern with the SciAccess Initiative to promote inclusivity and diversity in astronomical sciences. I also am heavily involved with the Arne Slettebak Planetarium here on campus as a presenter and show programmer, which I would highly recommend checking out when we reopen post-COVID. Outside of space science, I also work as a freelance photographer, theater technician, and escape room operator. I am honored to be able to dedicate myself to this club as your president, and I look forward to this year to come!

Co-Vice President Payton Cassel
Astronomy & Astrophysics Major
Medina, OH

Hello, my name is Payton Cassel, and I am the organization’s Co-Vice President along with Simon Filbert. I am a Mount Leadership Society Scholar and I volunteer with the Ohio Association of Student Leaders in my spare time. Along with Astro Society, I am involved with Cru, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, and the Coffee Roasting Club. I have been involved with the Astronomical Society since Freshman year and loved every minute of it, whether it was going on trips to the John Glen Astronomy Park or sitting on top of Smith watching the stars. My favorite memory of Astro Society was going to the Green Bank Observatory with many other club members. There, I got to connect with other astronomy majors, learn about radio astronomy, and even take my own data using a 40′ radio telescope. Astro Society opened me up to so many opportunities and I am so excited to be a part of this year’s executive board!

I have had an interest in astronomy since high school when my physics teacher began talking about dark matter and energy. Ever since then I have been eager to learn more about our universe. Last year, I worked with Gabriel Vasquez on a small research project over Dark Energy through a group called Polaris.

Co-Vice President Simon Filbert
Physics & Astronomy Double Major 
Evansville, IN

Hi, my name is Simon Filbert! I am currently one of the two vice presidents for the Astronomical Society at The Ohio State University. I am a sophomore pursuing majors in physics and astronomy. Along with astro society, I am also an events chair for an organization on campus called Scientific Thinkers. This organization does outreach for Columbus area elementary school children by doing experiments and engaging discussions. This is an organization and causes that I am very passionate about. In my free time, I enjoy reading and video games mostly.

My story behind why I got interested in astronomy is not as interesting or clear cut as others. Although I have always been interested in space and science, I would say that the real catalyst behind my choosing to study astronomy and physics was popular science films and T.V. shows. Such titles as “Interstellar” and “Through the Wormhole” made me realize that the universe we live in can be just as far out as science fiction. Gradually, I began to recognize my yearning to understand the inner-workings of the world around me, eventually making the decision to study physics at OSU. My interest in observational astronomy began after attending a meeting for the local astronomical society in my hometown of Evansville, Indiana. Being an out of state student and coming to a school with no familiar faces, I was worried about making new friends. Luckily for me, I have been able to make so many amazing new friends, especially through the Astronomical Society. I am so happy to be serving as a VP of such an amazing club, and I look forward to new friends and new experiences to come. 

Treasurer Hannah Parsons
Astronomy & Physics Double Major
Mason, OH

Hi, I’m Hannah Parsons, and I am the treasurer of the Astronomical Society at The Ohio State University! I’ve loved learning about space and looking at the stars ever since I was a little kid, but only seriously decided to study astrophysics during high school thanks to some amazing teachers. In my spare time, I like to read and cook. Joining the astronomical society was one of the best decisions I made freshman year; it gave me the opportunity to learn so much and meet so many amazing people. I’m glad I’m able to help make this year another great one as a member of the executive board. 

Secretary Austin Hill
Welding Engineering Major
Swanton, OH

Hello! I’m Austin Hill, the secretary for Astro Society. Although I am not an astronomy major, I have had a great interest in astronomy since visiting Kennedy Space Center in 2007 and getting my first telescope in 2008. It’s one of many favorite hobbies of mine, including baseball, automobiles, planes, biking, video games, and fossils, to name a few. I enjoy staying informed about astronomy, stargazing on any clear night, observing when I have access to my binoculars/telescopes, and visiting places dedicated to space & astronomy like Green Bank, Kennedy Space Center, and John Glenn Astronomy Park. I’m currently studying welding engineering and do work-study on campus for OSU Libraries’ Collections Strategy Team. Astro Society is the club I have involved myself with the most here at OSU and I am happy to be part of the executive board to make it interesting, informative, and inclusive to those wanting to participate and join.


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