The First ASOM Project Workshop 10-12 May in Columbus

We had a our first workshop, with a field trip to the Hopewell Mounds National Park (courtesy of Tim as guide). Everyone presented a short update of research and some theoretical-methodological overviews during the first long day of papers. Konstantin and Dominik SKYPED in from Russia and UK respectively. Andrew Anderson (Oman Botanic Garden) gave the most beautiful slides and Annalee’s science journey and macrofossil discoveries took our breath away as a closing glimpse of what it means to discover science. On the second day, we did “break-out” sessions as groups of archaeology, modelling, and paleoecology. The sign of success is that some of us had trouble sorting ourselves into one break-out cohort! We wish our Omani colleagues had also been able to join us. Abby and Sarah did a fantastic job organizing. Here we are left to right: rear–Drew, Joy, Andrew, Louise, Dan, Scott, Kyle O., Kyle R, Mark; left to right front–Sarah, Kim, Abby, Annalee, Anna, Tim, Ian. (We miss you Ali, Ken, Dominik, Konstantin, and OBG team)


Here we are at the Hopewell Mounds National Park: (below)