Art Games
Art 5101: Aspects of Art & Technology 2018 Spring Semester
Andrew Frueh Department of Art
The Ohio State University Email:
Units: 3
Course Location: HC 180 Hopkins Hall Meeting Time: M, W 11:10-1:55 PM
2018 Spring Semester
Course Description
This Spring, participants in Art Games will explore the terms and frameworks used in games studies and develop methodologies to deconstruct games in both form and content. We will look at a variety of games and artistic practices and discuss the various strategies employed.
Class time will consist of the following (in varying amounts):
- ● lecture to introduce new taxonomies and frameworks
- ● class discussion/critique to deconstruct artworks and games played
- ● readings / videos (outside class time)
- ● playing games
- ● writings
- ● mapping / illustrating theoretical / narrative structures / frameworks
- ● presenting your projects/research during class critiques
Course Goals
Participants will:
- ● Acquire a working definition of what qualifies as a “game” through a survey of games
across history and across cultures.
- ● Build and play-test several complete games, in various genres.
- ● Learn how to apply the terms and frameworks available to a critical analysis of games.
Course Policies / Requirements
Participants are required to:
- ● Read, watch, play and be prepared to discuss all assigned material. Everything in the
syllabus is required.
- ● Use an OSU email address: this is how we will communicate outside of class.
- ● Submit completed projects when due — including a work for submission to the end of
semester Exhibition. Late assignments are not accepted and will count against your
final grade.
- ● Use an Idea / Sketch / Note Book(s): for notes, research, ideation, planning, etc.
Participants are expected to take notes in all classes.
- ● Participate in class activities (play-testing, critique, etc.).
Attendance Policy: Absences are not excused. Attendance is mandatory in all scheduled classes and labs as all absences in a studio environment impede student progress. For absences occurring during the withdrawal period, students who are absent a sixth (6) time should withdraw from the course or will be given an E. If the above absence maximums are reached after the withdrawal period, the student will receive a failing (E) grade in the course. For clarification speak to your instructor.
Conduct Policy: All participants are expected to contribute to a polite, playful and focused learning environment. Those who engage in extended socializing, disruptive behavior, recreational browsing, gaming, messaging, social media during class, as well as those who consult handheld devices or wear headphones during lessons, critique and class discussion will be asked to leave and marked absent.
Grading Policy: All final grades are the discretion of the instructor. The student’s final grade will be determined predominantly by the cumulative point value of assignments, and additionally by their attendance and participation. Late assignments are not accepted and will receive zero points. The student should verify their grade at multiple points during the semester and discuss any confusion or disagreement with the instructor immediately. Assignments can take the form of written responses, readings, artworks, and other projects or activities. Students that are unclear about the scope of any graded assignment should meet with the instructor to discuss further.
Students with disabilities: Students with disabilities that have been certified by the Office for Disability Services will be appropriately accommodated and should inform the instructor as soon as possible of their needs. The Office for Disability Services is located in 150 Pomerene Hall, 1760 Neil Avenue; telephone 292-3307, TDD 292-0901;