Teaching in Autumn 2020

[Autumn 2020: CSE 2321] Foundations I – Discrete Structures (Online)

This course is 100% online. All course activities will be conducted on Carmen. I will consider recording my lectures and require you to watch recordings on every class day by logging in to the course in Carmen. You will also log into Carmen for completion of assignments, projects, exams, etc. For more details read course syllabus and review all course information.

My Teaching Schedule > Autumn 2020

Class Class Title Days & Times Room
CSE 2321-0140 (36775) Fndns 1: Discr Str (Lecture) MoWeFr 9:10AM – 10:05AM Online
CSE 2321-0120 (11013)* Fndns 1: Discr Str (Lecture) MoWeFr 10:20AM – 11:15AM  Online
CSE 2321-0090 (10554) Fndns 1: Discr Str (Lecture) MoWeFr 3:00PM – 3:55PM  Online
CSE 2321-0080 (10553) Fndns 1: Discr Str (Lecture) MoWeFr 4:10PM – 5:05PM  Online

* Also CSE 5032-0030 (10035).

Course Description: Propositional logic, Boolean algebra, first-order logic, sets, functions, basic proof techniques, graphs and trees, analysis of algorithms, asymptotic analysis, combinatorics, graph algorithms.

Course Syllabus (click here) which also includes a tentative schedule, and topics covered.

Text: Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd edition, by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein, The MIT Press.

Below are lecture-by-lecture topics covered in Autumn 2020.

Lec. # Topic(s)
1 General intro. Intro to propositional logic
2 Truth tables, logical operators (negation, and, or)
3 Implication
4 Contrapositive, converse, inverse, biconditional
5 Tautologies, contradictions, contingencies, negating cmpd stats
6 Propositional logic modeling, important laws
7 Disjunctive normal form
8 Sets, power set, manipulating sets
9 Set builder notation, conjunctive normal form
10 Intro to predicate logic, quantifiers
11 Multiple quantifiers
12 Negating quantified statements, mixing quantifiers
13 Symbolizing statements
14 Scope of variables, mathematical induction
15 Solving recurrences by induction, summations
16 Intro to asymptotic analysis, algorithmic statements, choosing an alg.
17 Analysis of an algorithm with types
18 Comparing algorithms, insertion sort
19 More examples on running time, upper/lower bounds
20 Asymptotic notations
21 Properties of asymptotic notations
22 More examples on asymptotic notations, proofs using limits
23 Describing the running time of a program
24 Linear search, selection sort, nonrecursive programs
25 Recursive programs, substitution method
26 Iterative method, binary search, merge sort
27 Recursion-tree method
28 Intro to graphs
29 Graph terminology
30 More graph terminology
31 More properties, Eulerian path/cycle
32 Hamiltonian path/cycle, graph coloring
33 Directed graphs, graph representation
34 Breadth-first search algorithm
35 Depth-first search algorithm
36 Topological sorting