
Global awareness: I plan on taking many courses that help educate me on different cultures throughout the world. For example, I am very interested in Arabic history and the language, so I hope to take a few classes that relate to these topics. I am also interested in German history and want to take classes that pertain to that as well. I would also like to study abroad depending on the country and subject, as I also enjoy traveling and learning about other countries first hand.


Original Inquiry:

I want to try and join a professor and help with their research on campus, but I understand that isn’t always possible, and it would require me to have some experience in that field, as well as a relationship with the professor first hand. If research isn’t possible on campus, I will also try to acquire experience in an internship with an outside company that also does research.


Academic Enrichment:

I plan on fulfilling this requirement by taking honors courses that apply to my major. I am already taking one of these classes my first semester, BIOLOGY 1114H. I also plan on taking more honors classes in the sciences. Additionally, I am going to different study sessions for my classes to make sure that the rigorous course work that I do will be to the high standard. I am also a recipient of a scholarship that requires me to contribute hours of my time to the scholarship building. One of the ways I can contribute is by going to the building and studying/learning chemistry to help me prepare for tests exams. I can also go to this room if I need help with my chemistry homework as well.


Leadership development:

I plan on joining many clubs while I am here on campus to help develop my leadership skills. One of the clubs I plan contributing to is the doctors without borders club, where I will have to take leadership in my own life and other members of a team if I am chosen to go on these trips. Another aspect of the scholarship I received is that I have the opportunity to go to local elementary schools and help teach biology to the students there, I feel this would be a very effective way to learn how to be a leader.


Service Engagement:

I hope to start volunteering at the hospital to help get engaged to my community. I also want to volunteer my skills in other areas like at the food pantry or at local religious locations. I also feel that by teaching children at a local elementary I am making my community a better place, and that this experience is another I can stay engaged with the community.