
Welcome to My ESETEC 7297 Portfolio Page!


On this page, you will find the original work I created for ESETEC 7297 at Ohio State. The contents include a project proposal, an infographic, and a Pressbook with embedded interactive learning objects.

About Me

My name is Alexis Duffy, and I am pursuing an MA in Educational Technology in the College of Education and Human Ecology. I work for Ohio State’s Office of Distance Education and eLearning as an Educational Technologist on the Affordable Learning Exchange. ALX provides grant opportunities to instructors at Ohio State as they move toward more less expensive learning materials. This often means a departure from traditional textbooks. We embrace and advocate for the use of Open Education Resources (OERs), and work closely with University Libraries to leverage the many resources they make available to the Ohio State community.

ESETEC 7297: Designing Multimedia for Instruction

This is a graduate course in educational technology. Here is the course description from Ohio State’s catalog:

Introduction to the instructional capabilities and hands-on development of multimedia; topics include relevant learning theories, authoring techniques, and design models.

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