

Phytech applies patented algorithms that transform raw data into crop specific plant status. Predictive analytics and plant intelligence capabilities provide meaningful alerts and recommendations. Phytech is unique in the precision agricultural world. Phytech attaches their sensors to a single plant; give the user up to date information on that plant in any given area. Alerts on the user’s mobile device also aid in decision-making. This also aids the user into decision making, knowing when to turn on irrigation or apply fertilizer.

Packages Available:

Standard: Contact Dealer for quote

Features Available per Package:

Standard: Record Keeping, Fertilizer Prescription, Data Sharing, Zone Creation, Chemical Selection

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Strider is the ultimate product when it comes to pest control. Strider offers the user a technologically advanced tablet that is heavy duty for field use. With this tablet, the user is able to pinpoint pests within a given field, providing the user with accuracy that is unmatched in the industry. Strider also aids the user with recommendations to apply to any given field given the input data that the user has collected. This, in turn, provides the user with higher yields, and a higher return on investment.

Packages Available:

Standard: Contact Dealer for quote

Features Available per Package:

Standard: Pest Management, Field Mapping, Reporting, Zone Creation, Data Visualization

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adapt-N is a professional software tool for agronomists to help deliver exceptional in-field performance to growers. This software has been designed to assist in the Nitrogen application operation and to provide agronomic data for each field. This was developed by Cornell University and is currently owned by Yara. adapt-N combines four critical elements to make their estimations: Advanced Crop Modeling, which takes into consideration cultivars, planting dates, yield potential and more to accurately stimulate the crops growth and soil N to produce a yield maximizing N recommendation. Soil Types, each region includes a locally calibrated database of soil characteristics, enabling users to appropriately simulate nitrogen dynamics even when soil type variability exists within a field. Field Management, crop rotations, tillage, manure, irrigation, and soil test results are all modeled at a sub-field level and variable rate applications are fully supported with unlimited zones per field. Weather, fully-integrated, high resolution weather data incorporates temperature, rainfall, and solar radiation data to determine nitrogen gains and losses. Must choose between Point, Zone, or Grid-based recommendations.

Packages Available:

Standard: Contact Dealer for quote

Features Available per Package:

Standard: Nitrogen Management, Alerts, Variable Rate Planning, Manure Analysis, Water Management, Prescription Writing, Data Import and Export, Zone Creation, Profit Analysis, Administrative Tasks, Soil Management, Weather Recording

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EFC FieldAlytics


EFC Precision Agronomy is designed to improve operational efficiencies, generate more revenue per machine/man and provide a higher level of service to its customers. EFC Precision Agronomy allows the user to manage growers, farms, fields, and boundary profiles online, live track assets, process equipment as-applied layers, planter layers, veris data, yield maps, aerial Imagery and other data layers. It also allows users to manage work orders for application, soil sampling and most other field operational services.

Packages Available:

Standard: Contact Dealer for a quote

Features Available by Package:

Standard: *As-applied layers, *Aerial Imaging, *Personnel Management, *Field Mapping, *logged data (as-applied, as-planted, yield, etc.), *Generate summary reports, *Vehicle/Machine Tracking, *Reporting, *variable rate planning, *Zone Creation, *Prescription Writing, *Multi-Year Yield Normalization, *VRT Yield Nutrient Removal Analysis, *Multi-Variable Data Comparisons, *Data Visualization, *Soil Management, *Field Scouting, *Field Data Management

Informational Video:

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Ag Leader SMS


A Precision software that is used for field and data management solutions. This is a web based software that is great for growers as well as management of clientele’s data. SMS assists you in managing information across many acres, fields and operations. It is ideal for farmers looking for more sophisticated analysis tools and consultants who are working with multiple clients. It is designed to make analysis across multiple fields and operations easy.

Packages Available:

SMS Basic: $750 one time fee, $180/year for Support and Maintenance

SMS Advanced:  $1995 one time fee, $495/year for Support and Maintenance

Features Available by Package:

SMS Basic: *Guidance Planning, *Field Mapping, *Record Keeping, *Data Visualization, *Zone Creation, *Yield Forecasting and Analysis, *Soil Management, *Accounting

SMS Advanced: *Manage a client’s data, *Reporting, *Yield Forecasting and Analysis, *Zone Creation, *Prescription Writing, *Aerial Imagery, *Profitability Mapping, *Field topography Mapping, *Multi Year Analysis, *Comparison Analysis, *Correlation Analysis, *Water Management, *Guidance Planning, *Field Mapping, *Record Keeping, *Data Visualization, *Zone Creation, *Soil Management, *Accounting

Informational Video:

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Beck’s FARMserver


Precision software designed to monitor cropping variables, collect data concerning those variables, analyze the data, and then use the learned information to increase productivity on the farm. FARMserver is a secure, online, web-based solution that serves as your farm’s foundation for all precision ag activities. FARMserver provides the capability to access your information from a web connected device at any time by using a simple and user-focused design.

Packages Available:


Premium- $1000/year


Features Available by Package:

Standard: *Field Mapping, *Aerial Imaging, *Mobile Accessibility, * Field Scouting, *Seed Selection,*Chemical Selection, *Support

Premium: *Field Mapping, *Aerial Imaging, *Mobile Accessibility * Field Scouting, *Seed Selection, *Chemical Selection, *Support, *Davis weather station integration, *Data Sharing,  *Data Import, *Data Export, *Yield Forecasting and analysis, *Zone Creation,*Prescription Writing,


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Climate FieldView


Web based precision software designed to collect, store, and visualize critical field data, monitor and measure the impact of your agronomic decisions on crop performance, and manage your field variability by building customized fertility and seeding plans for your fields to optimize yield and maximize profit. Climate combines hyper-local weather monitoring, agronomic modeling, and high-resolution weather simulations that helps farmers improve profitability by making better informed operating and financing decisions.

Packages Available:


Plus- $999/year

Pro-$3-4 per acre for management solutions and must be a Plus member

Features Available by Package:

Prime: *Weather forecasting, *Weather Recording *Field Scouting, *Data visualization, *Data Import and Export *Reporting *Cloud storage

Plus: *Yield forecasting and analysis, *Zone Creation, *Aerial Imaging, *Prescription Writing, *Fertilizer Prescription, *Data Visualization, *Mobile Accessibility

Pro: *Advanced seed scripting $3/acre, *Nitrogen management $3/acre, *$4/acre when both Climate FieldView™ Pro solutions are bundled, *Climate FieldView™ Plus subscription required.


Informational Video:

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