

PickTrace collects, stores, and organizes all employee information within an easily retrievable database. software allows for mobile devices to be used to track check-in and check-out times, breaks, lunches, and overtime of all registered employees in real time. It then allows you to assign employees to jobs upon check-in. PickTrace also provides harvest solutions that include scales, bar code scanners, receipt printers, and mobile devices that can be easily transported in the field giving customers improved traceability and efficiency.

Packages Available:

Standard: Contact Dealer for quote

Features Available per Package:

Standard: Personnel Management, Cloud Storage, Data Visualization, Logistics(Shipping), Record Keeping, Mobile Accessibility, Administrative Tasks

Informational Graphic:

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Granular is a company devoted to providing top of the line Ag tech software. They offer a variety of farm management tools that help customers do everything from building your optimal crop and field plans to automated record and inventory keeping. Granular also provides detailed financial analysis tools such as profit analysis and financial forecasting. Data is easily generated into many different reports using Granular’s report system. This can generate and deliver complete and detailed production records, customize yield reports for each field, report your planted acres to FSA and insurance agents and identify potential land expansion opportunities that are a good fit for your operation.

Packages Available:

Standard: Contact Dealer for quote

Features Available per Package:

Standard: Data Visualization, Reporting, Accounting, Inventory Tracking, Personnel Management, Administrative Tasks, Grain Marketing, Cloud Storage,  Mobile Accessibility, Real Estate Management

Informational Graphic:

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VitalFields is a Estonian, European, modern and easy to use tool for farm management. Plan, manage and analyze your field activities. Keep your warehouse in order. Get insight on farm efficiency. VitalFields helps farmers by providing weather forecasts, tracking crop growth, predicting plant disease and many other tasks. The software also advises farmers about their operational tasks such as planting and harvesting and also makes recommendations on pest management and chemical application.

Packages Available:

Standard: Free up to 40 hectares, after 40 ha, 1 euro/ha; so, 41 ha would cost 41 euro, or about $1.23/ha so, 41 ha would be $50.56

Features Available per Package:

Standard: Record Keeping, Reporting, Administrative Tasks, Aerial Imagery, Support, Benchmarking, Grain Marketing, Weather Forecasting, Forecasting, Pest Management, Application Recommendation, Operation Recommendation, Data Import and Export, Mobile Accessibility

Informational Graphic:

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PowWow offers two products. The first being Pump Monitor which is a cost-effective solution to manage your water use. And the second is called Irrigation Advisor, which supplies weekly irrigation schedules and regular NDVI field images to monitor field performance. The selling point made several times in the website is that there is no hardware needed, they turn your smart meter into a water meter.

Pump Monitor: Pump Monitor uses records and pump tests to analyze your irrigation patterns and can detect problems in real-time and alerts you immediately.

Irrigation Advisor: Irrigation Advisor produces irrigation schedules and utilizes NDVI imagery to identify where your field is performing well and areas that need more attention.

Packages Available:

Pump Monitor:

Pump Monitor is an Annual Subscription fee that is priced per meter with volume discounts starting at 3 meters. The packages are available starting at 20 meters. You must contact a salesman to get a quote.

Irrigation Advisor: Contact Dealer for Quote

Features Available per Package:

Pump Monitor: Multi-Year Analysis, Forecasting, Administrative Tasks, Reporting, Alerts, Data Sharing, Water Management

Irrigation Advisor: Water Management, Aerial Imagery, Alerts, Data Import and Export, Reporting

Informational Graphic:


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MyAgData is a cloud-based data system that simplifies acreage reporting for farmers, crop insurance agents and ag service providers. They use the data you collect during your normal farming operations, format it to meet the reporting requirements of crop insurance companies, match it to the CLUs required for USDA acreage and production reporting and produces reports by land or geography.

This is a free app services that collects the information from your monitor and create acreage reports for the bank, crop insurance and Government or whoever it may go to.

Packages Available:

Standard: Free

Features Available per Package:

Standard: Reporting, Administrative Tasks, Cloud Storage, Mobile Accessibility

Informational Graphic:

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fodjan is a German, web-based feed management platform that includes rationing, feed management and networking of data, technology and farm advisors. Access is via the Internet using the software or app. fodjan sees itself as a tool to make the feeding of livestock healthier and to control and improve feed costs and feed efficiency at the same time. On the platform feeding relevant data are combined and provided useful and valuable for the user.  They have programs for Dairy and Beef cattle, as well as Hogs.

Packages Available:

Small Farms: up to 100 head – $603.96/year

Medium farms: up to 700 head – $727.22/year

Large farms: over 700 head – $850.48/year

Adviser Standard: $123.26/month

Adviser Enterprise: Contact dealer for quote.

Features Available per Package:

For small to Large Farms, features stay the same, just number of allowable head increases.

Farms: Livestock Management, Health Management, Herd Tracking, Milk Productivity

Adviser Standard: Livestock Management, Health Management, Herd Tracking, Milk Productivity

Adviser Enterprise: Livestock Management, Health Management, Herd Tracking, Accounting, Training, Administrative Tasks, Forecasting, Feed Management, Milk Productivity

Informational Graphic:

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https://fodjan.de/ (May need to Translate)

Agworld Retailer


Software tool that allows agronomists to collaborate with farmers about management decisions. It is a format through which you and your crop consultant can communicate easily and keep track of all your records digitally. The software available includes maps, plans, recommendations, and financial aspects that can be managed. For Agronomists, it allows  for crop planning and direct communication through its system.

Packages Available:

Agronomist Mobile: $1495/user/year

Agronomist Plus: $1995/user/year

Agronomist Professional: $2495/user/year

Features Available per Package:

Agronomist Mobile: Data Sharing, Mobile Accessibility, Field Scouting, Administrative Tasks, Field Mapping, Data Import and Export

Agronomist Plus: Data Sharing, Mobile Accessibility, Field Scouting, Administrative Tasks, Field Mapping, Data Import and Export, Variable Rate Planning

Agronomist Professional: Data Sharing, Mobile Accessibility, Field Scouting, Administrative Tasks, Field Mapping, Data Import and Export, Variable Rate Planning, Prescription Writing,

Informational Graphic:

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Agworld Grower


Software tool that allows agronomists to collaborate with farmers about management decisions. It is a format through which you and your crop consultant can communicate easily and keep track of all your records digitally. The software available includes maps, plans, recommendations, and financial aspects that can be managed.

Packages Available:

Farmer Free: Free

Farmer Mobile: $995/user/year

Farmer Plus: $1495/user/year

Farmer Staff: $495/additional user/year

Features Available per Package:

Farmer Free:  Field Mapping, Mobile Accessibility, Weather Recording, Data Sharing, Record Keeping

Farmer Mobile: Field Mapping, Mobile Accessibility, Weather Recording, Data Sharing, Record Keeping, Personnel Management, Accounting, Administrative Task, Field Scouting, Variable Rate Planning, Forecasting,

Farmer Plus: Field Mapping, Mobile Accessibility, Weather Recording, Data Sharing, Record Keeping, Personnel Management, Accounting, Administrative Task, Field Scouting, Variable Rate Planning, Forecasting,

Farmer Staff: Field Mapping, Mobile Accessibility, Weather Recording, Record Keeping, Personnel Management, Accounting, Administrative Task, Field Scouting, Variable Rate Planning, Forecasting,

Informational Graphic:

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adapt-N is a professional software tool for agronomists to help deliver exceptional in-field performance to growers. This software has been designed to assist in the Nitrogen application operation and to provide agronomic data for each field. This was developed by Cornell University and is currently owned by Yara. adapt-N combines four critical elements to make their estimations: Advanced Crop Modeling, which takes into consideration cultivars, planting dates, yield potential and more to accurately stimulate the crops growth and soil N to produce a yield maximizing N recommendation. Soil Types, each region includes a locally calibrated database of soil characteristics, enabling users to appropriately simulate nitrogen dynamics even when soil type variability exists within a field. Field Management, crop rotations, tillage, manure, irrigation, and soil test results are all modeled at a sub-field level and variable rate applications are fully supported with unlimited zones per field. Weather, fully-integrated, high resolution weather data incorporates temperature, rainfall, and solar radiation data to determine nitrogen gains and losses. Must choose between Point, Zone, or Grid-based recommendations.

Packages Available:

Standard: Contact Dealer for quote

Features Available per Package:

Standard: Nitrogen Management, Alerts, Variable Rate Planning, Manure Analysis, Water Management, Prescription Writing, Data Import and Export, Zone Creation, Profit Analysis, Administrative Tasks, Soil Management, Weather Recording

Informational Video:


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EFC Merchant Ag


Merchant Ag is a real time point of sale and accounting software solution for Agribusinesses. Its robust platform is perfect for both large and small enterprises, providing managers with the tools needed to set policies and reducing the need for decision making at the point of sale. Merchant Ag is designed to address those unique aspects of agribusiness such as farmer tax exempt, restricted use products, prepaids, payroll, and patronage for retailers and cooperatives across the United States.

Packages Available:

Standard: Contact Dealer for a quote

Features Available by Package:

Standard:  *Accounting, *Administrative Tasks, *Vehicle/Machine Tracking, *Fertilizer Equation Writing, *Logistics(Shipping), *Inventory Tracking, *Accounting, *Feed Management, *Grain Marketing, *Profit Analysis

Informational Video:

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