

A company devoted to increasing the efficiency and sustainability of large industrial farming, as well as increasing the productivity and scalability of a small farmer. Gamaya offers crop- and region-specific analytical products, which currently comprises sugarcane, soybean but also offer bespoke client-defined solutions.

Gamaya uses hyperspectral imagery, Artificial Intelligence, climate, historic weather data, type of crops and other data to provide customers with detailed information that is then used to generate maps with character specific agronomic issues such as nutrient deficiency and disease infections.

Packages Available:

Standard: Contact Dealer for quote

Features Available per Package:

Standard: Water Management, Chemical Selection, Application Recommendation, Aerial Imagery, Reporting, Forecasting, Yield Forecasting and Analysis, Artificial Intelligence

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A farm management software that specializes in collecting large amounts of data and using analytics to optimize productivity and meet the rising standards of food quality and environmental sustainability required by modern agriculture. Prospera provides customers sales and purchasing teams with accurate supply forecasts to closely match demand dynamics and maximizes farm output through optimal variety allocation, planting & harvest planning, inputs selection, and protocol enhancement.

Packages Available:

Standard: Contact Dealer for quote

Features Available per Package:

Standard: Task management, Soil Management, Application Recommendation, Water Management, Personnel Management, Yield Forecasting and Analysis, Seed Selection, Chemical Selection, Operation Recommendation, Forecasting, Mobile Accessibility

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PowWow offers two products. The first being Pump Monitor which is a cost-effective solution to manage your water use. And the second is called Irrigation Advisor, which supplies weekly irrigation schedules and regular NDVI field images to monitor field performance. The selling point made several times in the website is that there is no hardware needed, they turn your smart meter into a water meter.

Pump Monitor: Pump Monitor uses records and pump tests to analyze your irrigation patterns and can detect problems in real-time and alerts you immediately.

Irrigation Advisor: Irrigation Advisor produces irrigation schedules and utilizes NDVI imagery to identify where your field is performing well and areas that need more attention.

Packages Available:

Pump Monitor:

Pump Monitor is an Annual Subscription fee that is priced per meter with volume discounts starting at 3 meters. The packages are available starting at 20 meters. You must contact a salesman to get a quote.

Irrigation Advisor: Contact Dealer for Quote

Features Available per Package:

Pump Monitor: Multi-Year Analysis, Forecasting, Administrative Tasks, Reporting, Alerts, Data Sharing, Water Management

Irrigation Advisor: Water Management, Aerial Imagery, Alerts, Data Import and Export, Reporting

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adapt-N is a professional software tool for agronomists to help deliver exceptional in-field performance to growers. This software has been designed to assist in the Nitrogen application operation and to provide agronomic data for each field. This was developed by Cornell University and is currently owned by Yara. adapt-N combines four critical elements to make their estimations: Advanced Crop Modeling, which takes into consideration cultivars, planting dates, yield potential and more to accurately stimulate the crops growth and soil N to produce a yield maximizing N recommendation. Soil Types, each region includes a locally calibrated database of soil characteristics, enabling users to appropriately simulate nitrogen dynamics even when soil type variability exists within a field. Field Management, crop rotations, tillage, manure, irrigation, and soil test results are all modeled at a sub-field level and variable rate applications are fully supported with unlimited zones per field. Weather, fully-integrated, high resolution weather data incorporates temperature, rainfall, and solar radiation data to determine nitrogen gains and losses. Must choose between Point, Zone, or Grid-based recommendations.

Packages Available:

Standard: Contact Dealer for quote

Features Available per Package:

Standard: Nitrogen Management, Alerts, Variable Rate Planning, Manure Analysis, Water Management, Prescription Writing, Data Import and Export, Zone Creation, Profit Analysis, Administrative Tasks, Soil Management, Weather Recording

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A precision agriculture company focused on advanced agronomic solutions while specializing in precision irrigation management. It provides advanced solutions to growers and specializes in precision irrigation management. CropMetrics is a leader in precision irrigation management and the first to develop a commercially available, full-service variable rate irrigation software program.

Packages Available:

Standard: Contact Dealer for quote

Features Available by Package:

Standard: *Alerts, *Soil Management, *Reporting, *Record keeping, *Water Management, *Field Mapping, *Variable rate planning, *Crop modeling, *Weather forecasting, *Weather Recording

Informational Video:

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John Deere APEX


A precision software designed for the grower. It is a software designed to manage data and field variability. Apex™ is software that lets you turn data you’ve collected in the field into intelligent, well-informed decisions back at the office. APEX works with data and applications from your GreenStar System. By using Apex, producers can visualize the farming practices and productivity of past years and use that information to make important decisions for the next production year and beyond.

Packages Available:

Standard: $400/year

Features Available by Package:

Standard: *Guidance Planning, *Water Management, *Variable Rate planning, *Weather Forecasting, *Data Import and Export, *Data Sharing, *Cloud Storage, *Data Visualization, *Support, *Data Management, *Traffic Control Planning, *Prescription Writing

Informational Video:

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Ag Leader SMS


A Precision software that is used for field and data management solutions. This is a web based software that is great for growers as well as management of clientele’s data. SMS assists you in managing information across many acres, fields and operations. It is ideal for farmers looking for more sophisticated analysis tools and consultants who are working with multiple clients. It is designed to make analysis across multiple fields and operations easy.

Packages Available:

SMS Basic: $750 one time fee, $180/year for Support and Maintenance

SMS Advanced:  $1995 one time fee, $495/year for Support and Maintenance

Features Available by Package:

SMS Basic: *Guidance Planning, *Field Mapping, *Record Keeping, *Data Visualization, *Zone Creation, *Yield Forecasting and Analysis, *Soil Management, *Accounting

SMS Advanced: *Manage a client’s data, *Reporting, *Yield Forecasting and Analysis, *Zone Creation, *Prescription Writing, *Aerial Imagery, *Profitability Mapping, *Field topography Mapping, *Multi Year Analysis, *Comparison Analysis, *Correlation Analysis, *Water Management, *Guidance Planning, *Field Mapping, *Record Keeping, *Data Visualization, *Zone Creation, *Soil Management, *Accounting

Informational Video:

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