

adapt-N is a professional software tool for agronomists to help deliver exceptional in-field performance to growers. This software has been designed to assist in the Nitrogen application operation and to provide agronomic data for each field. This was developed by Cornell University and is currently owned by Yara. adapt-N combines four critical elements to make their estimations: Advanced Crop Modeling, which takes into consideration cultivars, planting dates, yield potential and more to accurately stimulate the crops growth and soil N to produce a yield maximizing N recommendation. Soil Types, each region includes a locally calibrated database of soil characteristics, enabling users to appropriately simulate nitrogen dynamics even when soil type variability exists within a field. Field Management, crop rotations, tillage, manure, irrigation, and soil test results are all modeled at a sub-field level and variable rate applications are fully supported with unlimited zones per field. Weather, fully-integrated, high resolution weather data incorporates temperature, rainfall, and solar radiation data to determine nitrogen gains and losses. Must choose between Point, Zone, or Grid-based recommendations.

Packages Available:

Standard: Contact Dealer for quote

Features Available per Package:

Standard: Nitrogen Management, Alerts, Variable Rate Planning, Manure Analysis, Water Management, Prescription Writing, Data Import and Export, Zone Creation, Profit Analysis, Administrative Tasks, Soil Management, Weather Recording

Informational Video:

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