1. The Basics of Aging

As a world, we are aging at an unprecedented rate. Worldwide, the portion of the world’s population is expected to more than double between 2010 (10%) and 2050 (21%).  We are seeing similar trends in the United States, and locally in Central Ohio.  Review the graph below, which shows the US population by age and generation.

US Population by Age and Generation in 2020 - knoema.com

The Baby Boomer Generation (individuals born between 1946 and 1964) are driving this demographic shift across the US.

Many have called this a ‘Silver Tsunami’, which implies negative connotations and pending doom. Rather, this demographic change can be seen as an opportunity for cities and states to learn and grow from the collective wisdom of this generation. Read the following blog post that helps reframe this terminology for the positive.

Turning the Tide on the “Silver Tsunami”


Learn more about the landscape of older adults locally, in the following report:

As the above article states, “Aging is a process, not a number. Age is as much social as it is biological, and how we age affects our relationships and the ways we think about ourselves and our place in society. As we age, the realities of our changing ability to engage the social and physical world impact us all” (Kirwan Institute, 2014).

Listen to Cindy Farson, Innovator of Senior Services, in the podcast below discuss her work in aging and how values and views of aging services is changing to better serve our communities and change how we talk about aging:


To access the “Looking Forward Our Way” website and article about the above podcast, press here.


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