News & Updates

July 2024: William K Yost won a two-year fellowship from the NIH T32 Molecular Biophysics Training Program (MBTP) at OSU.

June 2024: Kenzington Kottenbrock presented a poster at the 14th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers held in Barcelona, Spain.  She won a student travel award from the conference.

April 2024: Kimberly Denman won the Graduate Service award by the Biomedical Engineering Department

April 2024: Kimberly Denman and Aratrika Pan received honorable mentions at the College of Engineering graduate student awards

April 2024: Sahanna Shanker successfully defended her senior thesis and is planning to pursue medical school at the University of Cincinnati. Congratulations Sahanna!

March 2024: William Yost, a Biophysics graduate student joins our lab. William graduated from the West Virginia State University with a major in Biology and a minor in Mathematics.

March 2024: Suman Bhattacherjee, a graduate student in the laboratory of Prof. Sunita Srivastava at the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, joins our lab as a visiting scholar via the Frontier Center Scholar grant.

January 2024: Kimberly Denman won the 1st place in graduate student presentations at the 9th Annual Engineering in Healthcare: Industry and Research Symposium (EHIRS).

December 2023: Alexa Plotkin got selected as a T34 MARC scholar for the upcoming year.

October 2023: Kimberly Denman won an AGGRS award from the OSU Graduate School.

October 2023: Kimberly Denman attended the BMES national meeting in Seattle, WA, as a representative of the BMES student chapter at OSU.

August 2023: Aratrika Pan was selected to present a poster at the upcoming American Society of Matrix Biology (ASMB) Biennial Meeting in Salt Lake City, UT.  Her abstract was also selected for a travel award, sponsored by The Histochemical Society.

June 2023: Kenzington Kottenbrock gave an oral presentation entitled, “Magnetic Mapping of Bio-Inspired Clusters of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles” at the Magmeet 2023 conference held in Greenville SC.  She received a travel award from the Sustainability Institute at OSU.

April 2023: Seirra Reis, a Physics sophomore, won a RISE fellowship to conduct research in our lab this summer.

April 2023: Dr. Agarwal received the CoE Faculty Diversity Excellence award.

April 2023: Stevan Glisic successfully defended his senior thesis and is on to pursuing his BS-MS in BME. Congratulations Stevan!

March 2023: Emma Grimm and Elliot Limpach, both BME sophomore won a CoE USRP fellowship to conduct research in our lab this summer.

March 2023: Madison Estrela, a Neuroscience junior, won a URAP fellowship from the Office of Undergraduate Research to conduct research in our lab over the summer.

December 2022: Alexa Hayes won an Undergraduate Research Scholarship from the Arts and Sciences Honors Committee in the College of Arts and Sciences for a senior thesis

October 2022: Kevin Walsh published a first author paper in the Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials.

October 2022: Kimberly Denman cleared her candidacy exam for doctoral studies in BME.

September 2022: Aratrika Pan selected to be a MAE graduate ambassador

September 2022: We were awarded a 2022 Frontier Center Scholar Grant in collaboration with Prof. Sunita Srivastava (IIT Mumbai) for the project “Micro and Macro Characterization of Nano-composite Materials for Biomedical Applications”.

August 2022: Dr. Agarwal appointed as the new Co-Director of the Biophysics Graduate Program at Ohio State.

July 2022: Kenzington (Kenzi) Kottenbrock joins our lab as a new BME graduate student. Kenzi graduated with a BME major from Ohio State. She was also recently selected for a second year fellowship by the NSF Research Traineeship EmPOWERment program at OSU.

July 2022: Dr. Agarwal joins the editorial board of the Journal of Structural Biology.

June 2022: Stevan Glisic won an Undergraduate Research Scholarship from the Undergraduate Honors Committee in the College of Engineering for a senior thesis. Stevan’s proposal was rated ‘exceptional’ by the review committee.

May 2022: Kevin J. Walsh won the Robert Ross Outstanding student award by the Biophysics graduate program at OSU.

April 2022: Sahanna Shanker won an Undergraduate Research Scholarship from the Arts and Sciences Honors Committee in the College of Arts and Sciences for a senior thesis

April 2022: Dr. Agarwal to give an oral presentation at the upcoming 13th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers to be held in London, in June 2022.  She will be supported by a Director’s grant from The Women’s Place at OSU.

April 2022: Kevin Walsh successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations Dr. Walsh!

March 2022: Jack Webb an engineering freshman won a CoE USRP fellowship to conduct research in our lab this summer.

March 2022: Naseem Story, a BME sophomore won a BUCKEYE REU fellowship as well as the LSAMP SURE and the SROP fellowships. She will be joining the BUCKEYE REU program to conduct research in our lab this summer.

March 2022: Sahanna Shanker, a Biology sophomore won a URAP fellowship from the Office of Undergraduate Research to conduct research in our lab over the summer.

January 2022: Kimberly Denman started an NSF funded INTERNship in the Procter and Gamble Company, Mason, OH

November 2021: Kevin Walsh was selected to give an oral presentation at the Materials Research Society (MRS) Meeting in Boston, MA. He was supported by a travel award sponsored by NIH T32 MBTG.

November 2021: Teddy Renner graduated with a BS in BME with a senior honors thesis. Teddy will be pursuing medical school at the OUHCOM, Dublin, OH.

October 2021: Blain Jones published a first author paper in the Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis.

October 2021: We were awarded a CMEI pilot award to evaluate the role of DDR1 in bone loss.

September 2021: We were awarded a SASR grant to evaluate the sense of belonging in underrepresented students in Engineering.

September 2021: Kevin Walsh started an NSF funded INTERNship in the 711 Human Performance Wing at AFRL, WPAFB, OH.

August 2021: Naseem Story, a BME sophomore joins our lab for undergraduate research. She is funded for fall/spring research 2021-2022 by the Ohio State Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program.

August 2021: Kimberly Denman was selected to give an oral presentation at the upcoming American Society of Matrix Biology (ASMB) Biennial Meeting in St. Louis, Missouri. Her abstract was also selected for a travel award, sponsored by The Histochemical Society.

August 2021: Blain Jones successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations Dr. Jones!

August 2021: Aratrika Pan joined our lab as a new MAE graduate student. She completed her BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati.

June 2021: Our new Bruker Resolve AFM is available for shared use.

June 2021: Blain Jones started an NSF funded INTERNship in the Medical Devices and Health Analytics Division at Battelle, Columbus, OH.

April 2021: Nikhit Gadde graduated with a BS in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

April 2021: Stavan Shah won 3rd place in the 26th Annual Denman Undergraduate Research Forum in the Engineering: Natural and Life Sciences category. He also graduated with a BS in BME with a senior honors thesis.  Stavan will be pursuing medical school at the University of Pittsburgh.

April 2021: We secured undergraduate research funding for Summer 2021 for all four of our new undergraduates: Pavan Thota (URAP fellowship from the Office of Undergraduate Research), Catherine Tran (CoE summer research scholarship), Stevan Glisic and Nicholas Soulas (NSF REU supplements).

February 2021: We won a NSF Nanoscale Interaction Program grant entitled “Collaborative Research: Magnetic mapping of bio-inspired clusters of iron oxide nanoparticles

December 2020: Blain Jones won an AGGRS award from the OSU Graduate School

November 2020: Kevin Walsh published a first-author paper in the Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

October 2020: Our new Bruker Resolve AFM installed in 374W Scott Lab

August 2020: Lab moved to 374W Scott Lab

August 2020: Kimberly Denman joined our lab as a new BME graduate student. She graduated from the University of New Mexico with a double major in ChemE and Biochemistry. Kimberly is also the recipient of a Distinguished Graduate Enrichment fellowship from the OSU Graduate School.

July 2020: Teddy Renner won a scholarship from the Undergraduate Honors Committee in the College of Engineering for a senior thesis

June 2020: We won a NSF EBMS grant entitled “Collagen fibril structure, surface charge and vascular calcification

April 2020: Stavan Shah won a scholarship from the Undergraduate Honors Committee in the College of Engineering for a senior thesis

April 2020: Blain Jones published a first author paper in Acta Biomaterialia

April 2020: Anna Debski, graduated with a BS in MSE with a senior honors thesis.

February 2020: Kevin Walsh was presented a poster at the Biophysical Society (BPS) Meeting in San Diego, CA. His abstract was also selected for a travel award by the BPS.