Carbon tax or Green New Deal?
Published in Columbus Dispatch, March 15, 2019 by Brent Sohngen Ohioans are about to get another taste of carbon taxes if legislators approve some amount of a gasoline-tax increase as proposed by Gov. Mike DeWine. The legislature will never call…
What does “reciprocity” in trade negotiations actually mean?
Among several issues raised by the Administration’s unfolding approach to trade policy, one really caught my eye last week when Representative Sean P. Duffy of Wisconsin proposed granting the President new executive powers to raise tariffs on U.S. imports, stating…
Carbon Taxes?
Well, Tim, I would agree that a national carbon tax would be a good addition to our set of climate policy tools, but let’s be realistic about what it will accomplish. A carbon tax of $50 per ton CO2 amounts…
Common Sense on P Pollution
Post by Brent Sohngen ( Gov. John Kasich recently fired his director of the Ohio Department of Agriculture over concerns about water quality. One of the things the former director, David Daniels, said to The Dispatch in a recent article…
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