Ohio Scenic Rivers Program Response to Op-Ed

In response to my Op-Ed in the Columbus Dispatch on 4/6/2022 (here), Ohio Scenic Rivers Program Manager Bob Gable sent the following note to the Ohio Watersheds list-serv. I am copying it here, as well as providing the two attachments he provided, for your information. I thank Bob and the other folks at ODNR for the incredible work they do with the budget they are provided.


“Hello Everyone, I wanted to share the following:

Last Wednesday, The Columbus Dispatch published an op-ed about Ohio’s investment in scenic river preservation by Dr. Brent Sohngen. While we are encouraged to see the conversation about this important topic, we would like to provide the attached additional information to clarify his comments regarding the Scenic Rivers Program’s budget.

In his Op-Ed Dr. Sohngen states that the Ohio General Assembly appropriated just $100,000 for the Scenic Rivers Program in 2021.  While this is true for one fund, there are several other funds which also contribute to Ohio’s significant financial investments to conserve our state wild, scenic, and recreational rivers.  The attached documents provide an overview into expenditures for the Scenic Rivers Program over the past two years.

ODNR appreciates passionate advocates for Ohio’s waterways, and we are committed to ensuring that future generations can enjoy these scenic rivers and their unique ecosystems. There is still more work to be done, and, with the right information, we hope more Ohioans will be as engaged as Prof. Sohngen on this important issue.

Thank you,

Bob Gable

Scenic Rivers Program Manager

Division of Natural Areas and Preserves

2045 Morse Rd., Bldg. H-3

Columbus, OH  43229

(O) 614-265-6814

(M) 614-204-7862



Funds allotted to Scenic Rivers – V3.1

Scenic Rivers Response