Humanities this Week

Humanities are something that we see as we go through everyday life. It is difficult to just pinpoint what and where we see the Humanitites because it is just so common in our routine that we do not value its importance. An example that comes to mind in regard to humanities in the last week is all of the social events in regard to Halloween. Everyone was making costumes which shows the art in our lives, as well as spending time with friends and family for some light-hearted fun. I feel that holidays really bring everyone together and form a little community. Last weekend, I went paint balling with some kids on my floor and it was just a nice little thing to do as a “community bonding” experience. When decorating my costume for Halloween I needed some help with the drawing and I reached out to kids in the building for some possible help, and I made a friend. It is the little things we do that connect us with the humanities because after al we are humans!

First Week At OSU

My first week at OSU was technically my second week. I moved in early for R-LEAD and OWL; these were both amazing experiences that I feel have made me a better person. The first week of classes went a lot better than what I was expecting it to; I mean I made it to basically every class on time. Why did I say “basically every class”…well I went to the wrong room for one of my classes. This is apparently pretty normal, and they always say to ask someone to double check, here’s the kicker..I did that. I managed to stumble into a psych class for upperclassmen and me asking “hey is this the psych class” apparently was not specific enough. I eventually made it to the right room but this was definitely an experience. Also misread my schedule and thought one of my classes was an hour later than what it truly was-thankfully I was able to sit in on a version of the class that takes place later in the day. Another exciting event that took place in my first week was my first day of class. The professor was about 15 minutes late and it seemed like everyone was about to walk out, but then she came running in announcing her presence, this was an interesting series of events. But overall my classes are pretty great, and I do not have any complaints as of now. Hopefully this semester is pretty chill and I stay on top of my grades and what not. OH, and ya girl got a job, so this open schedule I currently have probably won’t last long. I’m excited for my new job, plus college life is expensive and I’m too broke for this lol

Best Regards,

Ariana Adamson


[Artifacts are the items you consider to be representative of your academic interests and achievements. For each entry, include both an artifact and a detailed annotation.  An annotation includes both a description of the artifact and a reflection on why it is important to you, what you learned, and what it means for your next steps.  For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email Delete these instructions and add your own post.]