Year in Review

[ “Year in Review”  is where you should reflect on the past year and show how you have evolved as a person and as a student.  You may want to focus on your growth in a particular area (as a leader, scholar, researcher, etc.) or you may want to talk about your overall experience over the past year.  For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


Global Awareness

What global awareness means to me is educating yourself about different cultures and accepting people for their differences because that is what makes them who they are. Attending OSU is one way I continue to stay globally aware. Attending OSU is a benefit because this university is so diverse and has so many people that speak different languages, have different beliefs, are from different backgrounds, and etc that we are constantly interacting with daily so we continue to gain knowledge each and every day. These interactions everyday makes me appreciate all of our differences because it shows how unique each individual is. In order to continue having global awareness I plan to join student organizations that expose me to different cultures and will educate me about them. Having global awareness is very important if one wants to bring about change because each society is different so it’s important that one educates themselves before trying to bring about change in a certain area.


Service-engagement allows one to get involved within their community and also gives us the chance to work with people within our community that share a common purpose with us. A service activity can be long term or short term depending on what it is. A service event I took part in so far was the one that took place at Goodale Park. This event was on a saturday morning and we helped the park end its season by putting the flower beds to rest. In order to stay engaged or continue engaging with the community I plan to join student organizations that interest me because I believe it’s important to be passionate about the service you are doing. I also plan to continue attending the service events planned by ACES.


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.   For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


Graduation Day

Ever since I started school I always remembered trying my absolute best because my mother would always tell us that we could achieve whatever we set our mind to so I always took school very seriously knowing that some people didn’t have the chance to get education. Some people hated going to school but I enjoyed every bit of it. It was exciting for me because I loved learning new things and being able to show that. During high school I was involved in my high school. I was apart of National Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society, Student Council, Student Ambassador, French Club, and more. I also took some challenging classes so trying to balance my school work and social life got tough at times. 

The picture to the left is a picture of me on my graduation day which was on June 3, 2017. That day was one of my happiest days ever and meant so much to me. To some people, it might just be a high school graduation but to me it meant so much more. That day showed that I could achieve anything I set my mind to because when I first started school, I didn’t know any english at all and was new to everything. All the hardship I went through was completely worth seeing my mom’s smile.

ACES Film Project: Living On One Dollar 

For the ACES film project, we worked in a group and we had to watch

a film and present to the class how the film include the ACES pillars in it. My group chose a documentary called Living On One Dollar. This documentary focused on four college friends that wanted to experience poverty first hand and felt as if the text books weren’t really teaching them enough. They travel to Pena Blanca, Guatemala where they living on less than one dollar a day for two whole months.While they were there they encountered many different problems including hunger, illnesses, poor shelter, parasites, malnutrition, not very clean water source, and a lot more.

  • The positive social changes in the film include educating people about poverty and showing them what it truly is like to live in poverty and giving people the chance to donate to those living in poverty. 
  • Some service shown in the film include the college boys teaching the kids in the village english and spreading awareness of the living conditions they were in.
  • The documentary showed advocacy by empathizing for people who live day in and day out with no nutrition and a constant fight to survive basic needs
  • Community was included by bringing all of the people together and showing how everyone in the village helped each other out and were happy even though they had nothing.

This project taught me a lot more about the ACES pillars and how they are apart of everyday life but it also helped me work better in a group and collaborate with others. We were assigned a group and were responsible for figuring out all of our availabilities and making sure we all did our equal share.

About Me

My name is Nuna Abdallah but I prefer to go by Muna. I am an ACES honors students at The Ohio State University. I am still undecided on a major so I am in the university of explorations but I have a few majors in mind which are nursing, social work, and psychology. All three majors involves working with people and that is one thing I love to do and want to continue doing as I progress in life.


I am a first-generation immigrant being born in Somali. I was raised by my mother and I have four other siblings which include 2 older brothers, an older sister, and a younger sister. We came to the United States December of 2004 so I have been in the United States for about 13 years or so. The question I always get is why did you leave home? Well my mother brought us here so we could have all the opportunities she never had a chance to have and to live a better life.

Why I Chose OSU?

Honestly there isn’t one clear answer as to why I chose to attend The Ohio State University. I remember still being a senior and having to apply to all these different colleges. Before then I haven’t really gave it much thought because I always told myself that I had time but time went by so fast. All of my classmates were so excited about college and beginning their journey to their careers. On the other hand I was kind of scared because I really didn’t know what I really wanted to do with my life. I knew I wanted to attend college but didn’t know what I wanted to study. Anyways I chose to apply to many different colleges just to keep all doors open for myself. After getting acceptance letters, I chose OSU after some thinking. I chose OSU because of how diverse the university is and all the different opportunities it offers. I was unsure about OSU at first because I was afraid of how big it was but I thought I would try something new and attend this university to step out of my comfort zone.

Career Goal

Since I am still not for sure about a major, this might change but I am completely sure that in the future I want to be working with people and helping them out in any way possible. As of right now I am thinking about getting my BSN and working as a registered nurse while attending school to get my Masters in order to become a Nurse Practitioner.