Resources for AAC Consumers

AAC Infographics! Dr. Sonntag’s MA SLP AAC class created infographics about AAC and want to share those with you! Please use what you think would be helpful in your setting!

Language, Assistive Technology, and Autism (LATA) Lab → A research laboratory at OSU that studies language development and use across the lifespan, with a special focus on AAC and autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

The Ohio State University Aphasia Initiative → A program for persons living with aphasia that provides structured group sessions to facilitate functional communication skills. All group meetings are held in room 99 Pressey Hall, on Ohio State University’s West campus. Group sessions are facilitated by students pursing undergraduate and graduate degrees in Speech & Hearing Science, and are supervised by a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist.

PrAACtical AAC → A useful website for professionals and families who are determined to improve the communication and literacy abilities of people with significant communication difficulties.

ASHA’s AAC Practice Portal → A source of current research and guidelines for evidence-based practice in the field of AAC.

Disability resource list for Central OH

Bob Rigling with his fishing magician developed with the volunteers at May We Help.

May We Help → a group of “volunteer handymen, artists, electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, [and] programmers” who design custom equipment for people with disabilities

Southeastern Ohio Center for Independent Living → a device lending library that offers free trials of a variety of adaptive items, from eating utensils to low-tech AAC

Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI) → a lending library offering therapy materials, adapted books and learning aids, and switch-activated toys and devices on short-term loan

More information on lending libraries from the Franklin County Board of DD