Kendra Wecker is the Chief of the Division of Wildlife in the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and a proud 4-H alumna.
As Chief Wecker oversees ODNR’s efforts to manage and conserve fish and wildlife populations on behalf of all Ohioans. Kendra holds a bachelor’s degree in zoology from The Ohio State University and has worked for ODNR since 1992. Her previous positions include Wildlife Diversity Coordinator and Information and Education Executive Administrator. During her tenure, she has been the recipient of multiple awards, including Wildlife Conservationist of the Year from the League of Ohio Sportsmen.
Does this career interest you? Want to know the pathway to take?
Some 4-H projects and opportunities aligned with this career:
Geology: Can You Dig It?
Explore the Outdoors
Exploring Polar Science
Take a peek at other 4-H projects at Ohio 4-H Project Central!
Programs Offered through Ohio State’s College of Food Agricultural and Environmental Sciences:
Environmental Science
Natural Resources Management
Other Programs at OSU:
Earth Sciences
Other colleges and universities in Ohio:
Case Western Reserve University
Geological Sciences
Denison University:
Earth and Environmental Science
Miami University:
Kent State University:
Click here to connect the dots of other careers!
Video Provided by Molly E. Hunt and Kendra Wecker.