Our Cloverbuds had a blast at our STEM day event last week! Each of our 4 activities were centered around our theme of weather. They were blown away by the wind measurement activity where they tested how far they could move clouds (cotton balls) with the wind from their mouth, either with or without a straw. It was a torrential downpour in the make it rain activity where they explored the science behind rainclouds and mimicked the sounds of rain by making rain sticks. They saw the chilling effect of making snow dough out of household items. Lastly, they captured a storm by creating a hurricane in a jar. The picture collage shows the Cloverbuds engaging with Jr. Leaders and Older Youth in Training at each of the 4 activities. The Jr. Leaders led the activities and the Older Youth in Training served as group leaders and led the Cloverbuds around to each of the activities. We are excited about our new program and the opportunity to offer more learning experiences to our Cloverbuds. Thank you to everyone that came and to our Jr. Leaders and Older Youth in Training that made this event possible!
Author: larimer.20
Cloverbud STEM Day
Ohio 4-H Cloverbud program is for youth age 5 and in Kindergarten until they reach project member age. Cloverbuds explore a variety of topicsrelated to health, environment, community, and STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The Cloverbud program provides an excellent opportunity for each individual to reach his/her highest potential because early life experiences affect future development. Cloverbud STEM day includes activities led by older youth in the county.
This fun and educational event will be held on Monday June 7th, 2021 at the Riecker Building, third floor(Extension office). There will be two sessions offered, the first one being from 10 am- 12 pm and the second one from 1 pm- 3 pm. It is open to any Cloverbud in Morgan county. Cost for the event is $5, this can be turned in by mail, dropped off to the extension office or turned in at the start of the event.
Register by May 31st, 2021 at https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_d4Na6SljDqyvVRA
For more information contact Rachel Larimer at 740-252-5433 or larimer.20@osu.edu
If you are wanting to add, drop, or change a project you can come to the Extension office and fill out a form or email Amy (kirkbride.44@osu.edu). Make sure you do this by next Saturday, May 15th.
Ready? Set? Draw!
Design the artwork for the Send S’more Kids to 4-H Camp fundraising campaign! It’s a contest to select the artwork we’ll use on incentives offered during the campaign that is to help raise funds for our Ohio 4-H camping facilities. Any 4-H member may submit a design. All entries must be submitted by Wednesday, May 12. There is a junior(4-H age 8-13) and a senior(4-H age 14-18) division. To submit your junior entry visit go.osu.edu/4hartjr or to submit your senior entry visit go.osu.edu/4hartsr. For more information on rules and guidelines for your drawing see the flyer below. Let’s draw!
STEM Day Success!!
Our first Cloverbud STEM Day was a success!! It was a great way to kick off our 4-H year and get the kids excited. The Jr. Leaders came up with 5 different STEM related activities for the Cloverbuds to do. The theme of this STEM Day was Easter so all 5 of the activities were Easter related. The picture collage shows the Cloverbuds engaging with the Jr. Leaders and Older Youth in Training at each of the 5 different stations. One of the stations was an egg drop where the kids built different enclosures around their eggs and dropped them in hopes that their egg would not break. Another station was an egg tie dye where each Cloverbud used shaving cream and food coloring to dye their eggs(they all turned out very neat). We had a salt dough ornament station where each of the kids were able to create at least one salt dough ornament by using Easter themed cookie cutters to shape their ornaments. One of our messier stations was elephant toothpaste where each Cloverbud was able to pick which color they would like their elephant toothpaste to be. The final station was the egg rocket/density experiment where the kids were able to see egg rockets explode and experiment with eggs and various weighted items to see if they would sink or float in water. The Jr. Leaders led the activities and the Older Youth in Training were groups leaders that led the Cloverbuds around to each of there stations. Our next Cloverbud STEM Day will be held on June 7th, so if you were unable to attend this time you still have an opportunity to check it out! Thank you to everyone who came out and to the Jr. Leaders and Older Youth in Training that made this event possible. We look forward to our next event!
Find Your Spark-Recruit!
It takes just one spark! Tell a friend about 4-H and help them find their spark at ohio4h.org or at morgan.osu.edu. #OH4Hspark
The featured picture was a display set up by the Lucky Bucks 4-H club for last year’s Ohio 4-H week.
Who Can Join?
Ohio 4-H membership is based on a child’s age and grade as of January 1 of the current project year. Eligibility for Cloverbud participation begins when a child is enrolled in Kindergarten and is five years old. Eligibility for participation in 4-H projects and competitive events begins when a child is age 8 and in the 3rd grade. Any youth age 9 or above is eligible for project membership, regardless of grade level. Membership requires enrollment in an authorized Ohio 4-H club or group under the direction of an OSU Extension professional or an approved adult volunteer. A youth’s 4-H eligibility ends December 31 the year he or she turns 19. Joining Ohio 4-H is a privilege and responsibility for individuals and is subject to the Ohio 4-H Code of Conduct and applicable policies of The Ohio State University
Where Do I Sign Up?
Join a club near your home or school. Experience 4-H with a friend, invite them to join with you. Contact the County Extension Office to enroll today
When Should I Sign Up?
Join anytime! But join by our county’s 4-H enrollment deadline (April 1st) to take advantage of all 4-H opportunities including participation in Fair.
Find Your Spark-Community Service
Every 4-H’er pledges their “hands to larger service.” You can find your spark by sending a card to a senior community resident, helping a sibling or planning a service project with your club. What’s your service spark? #OH4Hspark
Community service projects provide an opportunity to connect with friends, fellow members, advisors, parents, and the community. By creating a fun, meaningful community service project where everyone plays an active role, 4-H clubs help members build stronger skills while helping those in need.
Find Your Spark-Alumni/Throwback
Did you find your spark at a club meeting, 4-H camp, completing a project or showing an animal? Show us your best 4-H photo! #OH4Hspark
The featured picture was from 4-H camp back in 2014.
4-H began in Clark County, Ohio. On January 15, 1902, Mr. Albert Belmont Graham, the superintendent of the Springfield Township Schools at that time, organized a meeting with some thirty boys and girls in the county courthouse basement. The intent behind the meeting was to learn more about harvesting corn, planting a garden, testing soil samples, tying knots in rope and identifying natural wildlife such as weeds and insects. Eventually, the group came to be called the “Boy’s and Girl’s Agricultural Club” with their research continuing well into 1903. Prizes were given to recognize the efforts of all the members in executing projects based upon the previously mentioned areas.
Given the success of Graham’s “out-of-school education program,” the Ohio State University created a plan to aid in the club’s research through the use of the Agricultural Experiment Station and the College of Agriculture. In time, the Ohio State University’s influence helped to establish additional youth agricultural clubs throughout Ohio. By 1905, there were over 2,000 youth within sixteen counties partaking in similar programs to that of the “original” Agricultural Club.
Find Your Spark-Volunteers
Ohio 4-H volunteers advise clubs, teach shooting sports, judge projects, serve at camp and more. Give your advisor a shout-out and thank them for helping you find your spark! #OH4Hspark
Volunteers and parents help make 4-H possible. Without 4-H volunteers and parents, the program would not have the mentors and leaders that 4-Hers need to learn the new skills that 4-H has to offer youth. Each volunteer brings knowledge, experiences, and skills which can be taught to 4-H youth and shared with the 4-H program “to make the best better”.
To become a 4-H volunteer, you must complete an application. Once your application is received, you will be invited to a special training to orient you to the Ohio 4-H program. Once you complete the volunteer process, you will receive 4-H newsletters and materials to help you manage a 4-H club. Your county Extension Educator and current volunteers will serve as mentors to you.
If you would like to learn more about becoming a 4-H volunteer, contact the Extension Office today!
Find Your Spark-Camp
High ropes, swimming, skits, crafts or singing around campfire…whether it was in-person or on Zoom, did you find your spark as a camper or a counselor at Ohio 4-H camp? #OH4Hspark
Here is a short video on the exciting things we do at camp! https://youtu.be/Lw5oO558UGw