4-H Project Judging

It is almost time for 4-H still project judging! 4-H Project Judging will take place on Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at the fairgrounds. Be sure to sign up for an appointment time using this link: go.osu.edu/morgan4hproject. The sign up link closes on Friday, July 2, 2021 at 5:00pm.

Livestock Skillathon Study Guides

Study guides are available now! You can either print your own or pick up a copy from the office. They are located on our website: https://morgan.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/morgan-county-fair

Livestock skillathon day is Saturday, August 21!

We will be continuing the last name schedule as last year that way families could complete skillathon at the same time. The schedule is as follows:

8:00 – 9:30 AM (T – Z)

10:00 – 11:30 AM (M – S)

12:00 – 1:30 PM (F – L)

2:00 – 3:30 PM (A – E)

*If families need to schedule for another time, please notify the office BEFORE skillathon day.

*If youth are unable to attend skillathon, their entry forms must be turned in by skillathon BEFORE scheduling a makeup time or receiving an online makeup link. Reminder: makeups do not count towards awards or premier market exhibitor.

More junior fair information will be given in the letter sent out with entry forms next month.

Junior Fair Royalty

It is time again for youth to be thinking about the Junior Fair Royalty Contest. Youth 15 to 18 are eligible to compete for King or Queen; youth 12 to 14 are eligible to compete for Prince or Princess; and youth 9 to 11 are eligible to compete for Junior Prince or Junior Princess. (Ages are as of January 1, 2021). Youth enrolled in the following organizations are eligible to participate in the Junior Fair Royalty contest: 4-H, FFA, Skills USA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts or Farm Bureau Youth.

Interested youth need to complete an application and be interviewed. An application may be requested from the OSU Extension Office, to be mailed or picked up or find it online at morgan.osu.edu. Completed applications, including all required signatures, are due on August 6, 2021 by mailing it to OSU Extension, P.O. Box 179, McConnelsville, OH 43756. Youth need to schedule their own interviews for Monday, August 16th by calling the Extension Office at 740-962-4854.

The Royalty crowning will be held at the Morgan County Fair on Tuesday September 7, beginning at 4:00pm at the small stage. The chosen Queen, King, Princess and Prince will be required to participate in various activities during the Morgan County Fair, with the Junior Princess and Junior Prince assisting. The Junior Fair Queen will be invited to participate in the 2022 Ohio Fair Manager’s Queen Contest.

UPDATE: OSU Extension Office Hours & Face Mask Policy

We are back in the office full-time Monday through Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm!

URGENT: Face Masks Update

Effective immediately, June 1, 2021, we have been given university approval to follow local guidance for our statewide campuses with regard to masks.

What this means for OSU Extension, in general:

·         Face masks are not required to be worn inside or outside at 4-H camp (day or overnight) for ALL employees AND clientele

·         Face masks are not required to be worn inside or outside at any OSU Extension (including 4-H non-camp) programs and activities for ALL employees AND clientele

·         Face masks are not required to be worn inside or outside at county offices for ALL employees AND clientele

    • Face masks are strongly recommended for those who are not yet fully vaccinated.

All other health and safety guidance is still in effect, such as physical distancing and sanitizing.

Local guidance (i.e., local health department, local landlord or building requirements, etc.) prevails, if there are more stringent requirements.

NOTE: Individuals and/or family members may not attend if they or anyone living their household is experiencing any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of sense of taste or smell, or as been directly exposed (confirmed or suspected) to COVID-19 if they are not fully vaccinated.

COVID-19 vaccinations are our best current protection against infection and a fatal outcome. Fully vaccinated individuals are not required to wear a face mask, however we strongly recommend eligible, but unvaccinated, individuals to continue to properly wear a face mask when social distancing cannot be maintained.

REMINDER: Please know that these guidelines may be modified at any time if conditions change, and/or if the guidance is not followed, and/or if a local health department issues more stringent requirements.

REMINDER: Quality Assurance

We have one more in-person training left for livestock quality assurance for market animal exhibitors! If you have not attended QA yet this year, you could sign up for our next training on Thursday, June 10 either at 4:00pm OR 6:30pm at the fairgrounds in the multipurpose building. Please complete your registration by June 5 (extended deadline) at go.osu.edu/QAmorgan

If you have any questions or need accommodations, please call the OSU Extension office at 740-962-4854.

Online Quality Assurance (QA)

If you haven’t already registered for in-person QA, please do so by April 30th! Here is the link: go.osu.edu/QAmorgan

If you are unable to make it to in-person QA, you may consider completing it online. You can use your 4honline login information and complete the appropriate course on your own time and at your own pace. There is a fee of $12 associated with this online option.

Follow these steps for the online QA:

  1. http://yqcaprogram.org
  2. Click sign in with 4honline
  3. Select Ohio 4-H
  4. Enter your account email and password
  5. Select the appropriate curriculum based on 4-H age (as of January 1 of this year)
  6. Once the training is completed, please send our office the certificate number (10-digits) using this link: go.osu.edu/yqcamorgan
    1. Needs to be completed by June 13, 2021

If you have any questions, please contact the OSU Extension office at 740-962-4854.

Calendar Change: Officer Training

We will NOT be holding officer training on Tuesday, April 27. Instead, the Junior Leaders will be filming a video with tips and tricks on how to be a club officer. This video will be released closer to the end of May, and an attendance survey will be provided to show that club officers had watched the video. This opportunity won’t interfere with sports schedules and will allow club officers to view on their own time and at their own pace.

If you have any questions, please call the OSU Extension office at 740-962-4854.

Ractopamine Swine Exhibitors

We know it seems like forever ago, but there is still a concern about Ractopamine products in the show swine industry. However, we have the materials you need to be prepared for this year’s fair. Located on our county website are several documents that help explain what Ractopamine is, how to provide good nutrition practices, and two forms that declare non-use of the products containing Ractopamine.

One form is for the producer to complete (who you purchased your hogs from). The other form is for the parent or guardian to complete upon arrival to fair. If you raised your own hogs, you just need to complete the parent or guardian form. All materials can be found at this link: https://morgan.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/morgan-county-fair under Swine Materials.

If you have any questions, please contact the OSU Extension office at 740-962-4854.

Quality Assurance


2021 Good Production Practices (GPPs)

  • #2 – Establish and Implement an Efficient and Effective Health Management Plan
  • #4 – Properly Store and Administer Animal Health Products
  • #5 – Follow Proper Feed Product Protocols

Registration is required. To register for QA go to: go.osu.edu/QAmorgan

Youth must be signed up for a session by Friday, April 30th.

  • Thursday, May 6 Test-out option only Riecker Bldg., Room 325 5:00-6:30 pm – last test handed out at 6:00 pm                             OR
  • Saturday, May 8 Opera House 10:00am – 12:00 noon OR 1:00-3:00 pm Test-out option available


  •  Thursday, June 10 Location TBD 6:30-8:30 pm Test-out option available

*** If unable to attend one of our scheduled trainings, call the OSU Extension Office to find a QA training in a nearby county – All out of county QA training must be completed by June 13, 2021.