REMINDER:  The decision was made to highlight 4-H opportunities and project areas in the Junior Fair Building similar to 2019. The goal is to promote the total 4-H Youth Development program and avoid an empty looking building. The theme for the display is “4-H – Something for Everyone”.

Each 4-H Club is asked to create a poster highlighting their club along with advisor information. We are asking that a half-sheet of poster board to be used. If your club needs a full-size poster, the office should have been notified by August 23rd. If you did not notify the office, please call by August 27th.

Advisors are to collect all projects from their members; create or have members create the informational tag for the project with project name, member’s name, and the 4-H Club. Green clovers are encouraged for name tags but not required. Please note the horse club members will display their non-animal projects in the Junior Fair building not the horse barn. Each Cloverbud is to bring a craft or display of activities they completed during a meeting in 2021.

Remember, 4-H project books can be part of the display, but a project book alone is not a display. Livestock displays are not required because the animals are in the barns. If a member is taking an animal project such as dog care, or pocket pet; or they cannot bring their animal to the fair, they need an educational display in the Junior Fair building in order to receive a premium and wristband. REMINDER: A picture of a 4-H member and their animal is not an education display. If an animal is not coming to the fair, please notify the office as soon as possible we realize by unexpected issues arise.

Drop-off times for 4-H Club Advisors to bring their items to the Junior Fair Building: Saturday, August 21st during Skillathon, Tuesday August 24th 4-5:30 pm, Wednesday August  25th 4-7 pm, or Thursday August 26th from 4-6 pm.

Special things to remember:

  • All projects required to be turned in by club advisor with an informational/name tag
  • Deadline for items to be turned in August 26th at 6 pm
  • 4-H members cannot drop items off individually
  • Items only accepted during the drop-off times

YOUR EXTENSION STAFF NEED YOU!!!!!  Are you creative or a hard worker? If so, you are encouraged to help prepare the building on August 31 from 3-5 PM, September 1 from 9 am-4:30 pm, September 2 from 1-5:30 pm.