This information can also be found on our website along with other junior fair materials:
- All animal exhibits must be in place on fairgrounds by Noon on Monday, September 6th, 2021.
- Livestock Sale Photos:
- Must bring one printed photo per animal to the Extension Office prior to the fair or to the Junior Fair office during the fair. All photos must be turned in by Friday, September 10th at the latest. Photos should be in horizontal format (side to side orientation). Photo should include the animal and youth. Photos will be used on the Buyer “thank you” cards that handed out during the sale.
- If unable to bring animal to the fair, youth must create an educational poster to display in the Jr. Fair Building:
- Poster cannot just be a photo of the animal. POSTER MUST TEACH US SOMETHING (How to feed, groom or handle your animal, a diagram labeling the parts of the animal, etc.). Poster must include photos of the animal and youth member, youth name and 4-H club or FFA Chapter.
- Information about Premier Market Exhibitor:
- The award was designed to give youth that may not have the “best” animal a chance to compete for an award and be recognized in the sale. The award is based on the highest score of the combined skillathon, showmanship and market classes. Each category can be worth up to 100 points. For skillathon, it is the final score; for showmanship, it is 100 for first; 98 for second; 96 for third; down to 90 points. Previous Showman of Showman receive 100 points. Market classes work the same way. 100 for first; 98 for second down to 90 for sixth. In the event of a tie, the skillathon is the first tiebreaker, showmanship is second and market score is third. A couple years ago, we had a tie all the way through the tiebreakers, so both got the award. The final caveat we have is if an exhibitor has two animals in the same category (i.e. two market hogs) that have the final identical score, the animal that places highest in the sale order will receive the recognition on the sale bill.
- 2021 Junior Fair Schedule
Monday, September 6
12:00 Noon All Livestock Exhibits in place
1:00 PM Junior Fair Market Livestock Weigh-in
8:30 PM MANDATORY BARN MEETING for Junior Fair Horse Exhibitors
Tuesday, September 7
2:00 PM Royalty Crowning & Miscellaneous Project Awards
6:00 PM Sheep Show
Wednesday, September 8
9:00 AM Horse Show
10:00 AM Meat Goat Show
7:00 PM Swine Show
Thursday, September 9
9:00 AM Beef Showmanship/Breeding
9:30 AM Poultry Show
5:00 PM Market Beef Show
Friday, September 10
9:30 AM Dairy Goat Show
9:30 AM Rabbit Show
10:00 AM Dairy Cattle Show
6:00 PM All-Around Showmanship
Saturday, September 11
9:30 AM Parade
11:00 AM Market Livestock Sale
7:00 PM Livestock Exhibits Released