REMINDER: 4-H Cloverbud Day Camp—Preegistration Due June 17th

Cloverbud Day Camp 2021 at Camp Hervida

Encourage your Cloverbud members to join the Older Youth in-Training members for Cloverbud Day Camp on July 12th at Camp Hervida in Washington County from 9 am to 4 pm.  The camp theme is “Stem meets Nature”.  The camp fee is $20.00.

Preregister for Cloverbud Day Camp at

Preregister separately each Cloverbud member that plans to attend.

Payment options:  Cash or check or credit card
To pay by credit click on this link:
In the section Items/Services:  List Cloverbud Day Camp Preregistration
In the section Additional Comments:  List the name Cloverbud participants (For example:  Cloverbud participants are John Smith and Jane Smith)

Call the office at 740-962-4854 if you have questions.