Our Cloverbuds had a blast at our STEM day event last week! Each of our 4 activities were centered around our theme of weather. They were blown away by the wind measurement activity where they tested how far they could move clouds (cotton balls) with the wind from their mouth, either with or without a straw. It was a torrential downpour in the make it rain activity where they explored the science behind rainclouds and mimicked the sounds of rain by making rain sticks. They saw the chilling effect of making snow dough out of household items. Lastly, they captured a storm by creating a hurricane in a jar. The picture collage shows the Cloverbuds engaging with Jr. Leaders and Older Youth in Training at each of the 4 activities. The Jr. Leaders led the activities and the Older Youth in Training served as group leaders and led the Cloverbuds around to each of the activities. We are excited about our new program and the opportunity to offer more learning experiences to our Cloverbuds. Thank you to everyone that came and to our Jr. Leaders and Older Youth in Training that made this event possible!