
Thank you visiting the homepage to the Virtual 26th Annual Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. This year, the format may look different, but we will still be highlighting brilliant undergraduate researchers and their work. 

The event will be held as a series of webinars held April 5th through April 9th, which each webinar being dedicated to a category of projects. To register to attend one of these webinars, please visit the “Student Presentations” tab to learn more. 

We are also hosting our annual Images of Research + Arts Competition in conjunction with the 26th Annual Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. To view the images, descriptions, and vote for your favorite, please visit the “Images of Research + Arts Competition” tab to learn more. 

Finally, we would of course like to thank Rick and Marte Denman for their continued support of undergraduate research at Ohio State University, and to all of the mentors who aided our students in conducting their research projects! 

Please take a moment to take a look at the site, and consider registering to listen to our talented undergraduate researchers! 

-Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry team

Denman Schedule Calendar

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