Congratulations to all the participants of the 26th Annual Richard J. and Martha D. Denman Undergraduate Research Forum! Throughout the week, over 180 senior undergraduate students presented their research to hundreds of attendees in our first ever virtual Denman Forum. Congratulations to all the students on your research achievement and thank you to everyone who participated in making this a successful event.
One of the nice features of the virtual format was that Kayla and I were actually able to hear every single student presentation this week in all twenty-one categories, and we can certainly attest to the exceptional quality of work these students undertook. Every participant deserves to be commended on their efforts including research in their undergraduate studies.
We would like to extend our appreciation to the sixty faculty, staff, and alumni who volunteered as reviewers throughout the week. We could not have done this without you! Each student was evaluated by multiple reviewers on their presentation and research process. Based on these scores and comments, three students were recognized as winners in each category. Winners are now listed on the Student Presentations tab.
We would also like to thank Rick and Marte Denman for their longstanding support and passion for undergraduate research at Ohio State and President Johnson for her support and enthusiasm for undergraduate research.
-Claire G. Sweigart, Program Director & Kayla Daniel, Program Coordinator