
All OSU affiliates (students, employees, faculty) must have a valid Buck ID. Please prioritize getting your Buck ID when you arrive at OSU. The instructions for obtaining a Buck ID can be found here: https://buckid.osu.edu/orientation. Not only does a Buck ID function as your university ID card, but, beginning in Autumn semester, it also allows you to ride the COTA bus and enter the RPAC. If you already have an ID and it says anything other than “Graduate Student” (or “Grad/Prof Student), please exchange that ID in Autumn semester for an ID that correctly identifies you as a graduate student.


To learn more about all of the functions of a BuckID, please visit https://buckid.osu.edu/orientation. Many students use their BuckId to ride Columbus’ bus system, COTA, from home to campus each day. When you board a COTA bus, you will need to swipe your ID to ride. If you need to ride a CABS bus, which is OSU’s campus-based service, you can simply board and depart as needed without showing any form of ID.

You will also need to present your BuckID any time you want to enter the RPAC, which is OSU’s recreation and physical activity center.