About Me

Welcome to my ePortfolio!! My name is Allison Webb and I am a second year undergraduate Pre-Med student at The Ohio State University. I am pursing a Bachelor of Arts in Biochemistry and I plan on applying to medical school during my senior year of college. I am utilizing this ePortfolio to catalogue my experiences at Ohio State so that, come time to write essays for medical school applications, I will have a better sense of where I have been and who I have become during my time as a college student. On campus, I am involved with several organizations including College Mentors for Kids, Buckeyethon, Alpha Epsilon Delta, a pre-health honor society, the Honors Collegium, and the Women in Surgery Empowerment Club. I volunteer with kids twice a week in two different organizations–College Mentors for Kids and the Buckeye Tutor Team. Some of my favorite activities include visiting coffee shops, trying new restaurants and foods, volunteering and spending time with friends and family. I hope that this website provides you with a better sense of who I am as a person as I reflect on my most memorable and significant experiences at Ohio State.