Do You Produce Food? MarketMaker Webinar offered this Friday!

The Ohio Direct Marketing Team brings you easy access to direct marketing resources thanks to the contributions of numerous collaborators . Great things are happening in Ohio. Be a part of Ohio’s # 1 industry – food and agriculture. The Direct Marketing team will be hosting a FREE webinar on the topic- MarketMaker, this Friday, December 5th.  The webinar will start at 12 noon (it works best to log in a few minutes early).  OSU’s Charissa McGlothin and Brad Bergefurd will be the hosts of this topic.  To be a part of this discussion go to


If you are an OSU staff member click on the OSU login tab that allows you to log in using your OSU username and password.  If you are a guest click on the Guest login tab to enter, when prompted for a log in name under Guest, just enter your name.  If you have any problems getting in to the webinar, please give Charissa at 740.289.2071 ext. 132.



Here is a short description of MarketMaker from the website

Connecting markets and quality food sources from farm and fishery to fork

Whether you are a producer looking to reach new markets; a buyer wanting to connect with local or specialty suppliers; or a consumer looking for goods and services in your area MarketMaker is a must-have resource.

MarketMaker is the largest and most in-depth database of its kind featuring a diverse community of food-related businesses: buyers, farmers/ranchers, fisheries, farmers markets, processors/packers, wineries, restaurants and more. MarketMaker provides simple yet powerful search tools to connect with others across the production and distribution chain.