The Ohio State University

Air Pollution in the Great Lakes Region of North America

This link and series of questions looks at sulfur dioxide emitted from various industrial and electricity generating operations in North America. Link: 1. Identify two areas on the map that appear to have significant pollution being emitted. Identify two…

Temperatures and Geography in Polar Regions

This link and series of questions looks at temperatures and geography in the Arctic and Antarctic. LINK: 1. Is the air temperature over the North Pole or over the center of Greenland warmer? How do you know? 2. Describe…

Weather Along a Cold Front at the Midlatitudes

This link and series of questions looks at temperatures, precipitation, and winds along a cold front in North America. LINK: There are three cities pinned on the map, all at the same latitude. 1. Describe the temperatures at these…

Spring 2018 FEVer User Testing at COSI and The STEAM Factory - Columbus, OH

Spring 2018 FEVer User Testing at COSI and The STEAM Factory – Columbus, OH

Our team was out this spring user testing at COSI and The STEAM Factory in Columbus, OH. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to try our web application and help us collect data.

About FEVer

Fluid Earth Viewer (FEVer) is an interactive, intuitive web application that allow users to visualize current and past conditions of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. Built on an open-source application, FEVer is a vehicle of modern Earth science communication, bringing information…