Finding native plants in Ohio:
Cleveland Metroparks Native Plant Nursery Locator
Native Plant vendors, Ohio Native Plant Month website
Ohio Native Plant List, generated by Debra Knapke and Hope Taft
Factsheets and Resources
Attracting Beneficial Insects with Native Plants (factsheet), Michigan State University
Attracting Pollinators to Your Garden Using Native Plants (factsheet), US Forest Service
Creating Living Landscapes for Birds, Butterflies, Bees, and Other Beneficials — Native Shrubs (OSU)
Creating Living Landscapes for Birds, Butterflies, Bees, and Other Beneficials — Native Trees (OSU)
Illinois Wildflowers website (botanical and pollinator info)
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center website
Landscaping for Biodiversity with Ohio Native Plants: A Species Guide for Plantings, ODNR
National Wildlife Federation Keystone Plants by Region
NWF Keystone Plants, Eastern Temperate Forest
Native Plant Finder, National Wildlife Federation
Native Plants for Stormwater Management Projects: Species Selection for the Lower Midwest\
Native Plants and Ecosystem Services website, Michigan State University
Native Plant-Insect Interactions, Heather Holm and Prairie Moon Nursery
Planting for Pollinators, Prairie Nursery
Pollinator Habitat Handbook (WV), NRCS, WV Division of Natural Resources and The Xerces Society
Pollinator Plants, Great Lakes, The Xerces Society
Pollinator Plants, Midwest, The Xerces Society
Pollinator-friendly Plants for the Northeast U.S., USDA/NRCS
Pollinator Partnership Ecoregion Plant Guides
Pollinator Partnership Eastern Broadleaf Region Plant Guide (Ohio)
Specialist bees of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern United States (and host plants for specialist bees), Droege and Fowler