
Module 7

In this module, I took away from the lesson and all the assignments I completed new found ways to motivate myself and find a way to be motivated to get more things accomplished and completed in a much more effective manner. Although I feel as if I am always motivated to complete a task, I learned new found ways of motivation in this module that will benefit me later on.

Something from the module I feel was extremely useful to use myself and I actually tried to incorporate into my studies as is was the idea of turning my wireless off on my phone/putting it into airplane mode. This really helped me focus.

In the future I plan to learn how to incorporate listening to music into my studies. As it is, I chose to study in a quiet environment, and maybe later on I can learn to use concentrating music effectively in my studies.

My advice to future students that i learned in this module would have to be find whatever ways work for you in order to find some sense of motivation in your studies and completing them. Do not just feel as if you need to do your homework because your teacher requires it, understand why you need to complete it and motivate yourself that way!



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