
Maintaining Motivation

There were many other apps I would like to try out to help with motivation. Freedom, self-control and cold turkey are all apps I am interested in trying out. Freedom is a website blocker, self-control helps you avoid distracting websites, and cold turkey block digital distractions and website.

I downloaded and purchased the forest app. This app is helpful to maintain motivation due to online distractions. You set a time to do a deep study for about 25 minutes and it keeps you in check because once you start the timer and want to focus, the app plants a tree. Every time you leave the app the tree can die a little more. If you stay on the app for the duration of the  study time, you grow a tree.

There was a slide with helpful apps about smartphone addiction. There was an article that gave 5 apps to help you fight the smartphone addiction, and a few others to help you stay focused. These apps look great and I will try them in the future. (slide 13)

I would tell students to get ahead of the problem and be proactive about your phone and other distractions. Before school starts. Set up a schedule and look at some of these apps to keep you in check. You will retain so much more information when studying without distractions. It is almost a waste of time when you study and constantly check you phone.

Online Learning Skills and Strategies

Pre-searching was something useful I learned in this module that I have never really done or thought about doing. Before you start researching, “’you’ll want to identify the main concepts of your research question to help determine what keywords or phrases to search to understand the different facets of your topic.” slide 13

For one of the assignments this week, we had to ask a question and find reliable sources. I did a pre-search before to help identify better keywords to look up. I started with one question and changed the wording because of my pre-search and it came out better.

One idea that this module could I put into practice in the future is source credibility, reliability, utility and quality. Checking that your source has these things if important for learning and sharing the information. Asking yourself a few questions to confirm that the source is reliable is a great start.

Some advice I would give to students based on what I have learned is try out pre-searching. It could help you understand what you are researching even before you get started. Also to check your sources because it can help you not waste your time on sources that are not credible. And lastly, just in general, stay away from Wikipedia on all papers or other assignments, anyone can edit it.

Online Learning Strategies and Skills

The most useful thing I learned in this module was finding out what style that works best for you. When comparing my notes to Sarah and Kates, I noticed one of their styles just would not work for me and the other really resonated with me and I got ideas for my note taking. Just because one style does not work for me, does not mean it is great for someone else. Finding what works for you is really helpful in successful note taking.

I started doing active listening before my lectures and not just during. Instead of waking up 10 minutes before class and logging on, I wake up earlier to et breakfast and have coffee to turn on my brain and feel less groggy. It helps me pay more attention to class.

Active listening before and after lectures. Obviously active listen during lecture but preparing your mind and environment beforehand can be very helpful and make you more successful in note taking.

There was on point that got me thinking and is good advice to figure out early in college. To type or not to type. Typing can lead to mindless transitions and be more prone to distractions when taking notes. Writing can lead to writing down too much information which leads to your brain not processing all of it. Try to figure out which works for you if you tend to get distracted on the computer, do writing notes. If you write to much, try typing. (slide 8)

Online Learning Skills and Strategies

The most useful thing in this module was a video about the science of studying that I found very useful and interesting. They state that exercise helps increase performance, longer attention span, smoother information processing and more.

There is a part about being aware of multitasking. I tend to multitask when I am doing school work to try to get a few things done at once. This brought to my attention in slide 17 that research has documented that heavy multitaskers, although confident in their abilities, do not perform as well as their light multitasking peers. So this week I have stopped doing multiple assignments at once

Interacting with online reading is important. Pausing to quiz myself to test your comprehension and reinforce important content is something I want to do more in the future. I tend to just read and highlight but not go back.

Advice I would give that the module suggested was plan study times and work on  assignment at a time, try to not multitask, it can do more damage than getting things done quicker. Try exercising more, it will help in more ways than just staying fit. Turn off your cell phone during important study sessions so you really focus. And do not forget to take breaks so you do not burn out.

Module 3: Efficiency in the Digital Age

I most useful thing I learned in this this module was the 10 minute rule to help with procrastination. This also goes hand and hand with breaking down hard tasks. Putting tasks into timed increments seems to help them go by faster.

Get more out of your 24 hour day I would say is something I will for sure practice in the future. Evening though I have a busy schedule, I do not use my time outside or work and school that productive. Waking up earlier before I have to get ready and working out and eating breakfast would be something way more productive and would make me feel more accomplished for the day. As well as when I get home from work, instead of watching TV, doing something more productive with my day or even going on a walk will make my day feel better.

Advice I would give to students based on what I have learned is even if you have free time, make the most of it and keep yourself on a schedule and keep it consistent. It is easy to feel bored or procrastinate when your schedule is lacking. Using google calendar and mapping out your week/month makes you feel more on top of things and it is a lot harder to fall behind when everything is mapped out.

Module 2: Communicating and Collaborating

In module 2, communication and collaborating is the topic. These are two very important aspects of online learning. The most useful thing I learned in tis module is how netiquette is so important and how to do it better. Communicating online makes it hard to have personal interactions with people so making your communication better and being aware of how you are coming across is important.

A specific example of something in this module that I have already put into practice is using one of the communication and collaboration tools that was mentioned, Trello. I used this for my internship to work with my boss on different projects we are working with our clients. It so far is working out well. Being more aware of how I write and phrase emails is something I will be putting into practice in the future. I sometimes tend to be more casual with people I should be more professional with.

Advice I would give to students based on what I read and experienced during this module is to get organized early and stick to a routine. If you do not have a routine you can get unorganized fast. Also learning how to communicate correctly with professors versus students and friends should be different