This new tool by Vadim Gumerov will become a companion to many microbiologists around the world. Read about it here – – and explore it on our web page:
New graduate students joined the lab
Marissa Berry, Tricia Ross, and Jiawei Xing will be working on their PhD projects in our lab. Welcome!
January News
Two poster presentations at the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (Katia Andrianova and Vadim Gumerov).
One talk (Igor Jouline) and two poster presentations (Katia Andrianova and Vadim Gumerov) at the Gordon Research Conference on Sensory Transduction in Microorganisms.
Two papers published: Nucleic Acids Res and mBio (Editor’s Pick).
Spreading the word about our research
Recent talks by our lab members!
Receptor Fest 2019 (July 28 – 31) in Eugene, Oregon
Katia Andrianova – “The Tlp10 chemoreceptor in Campylobacter jejuni contains a novel sensory domain and responds to multiple classes of chemoeffectors”
Vadim Gumerov – “Molecular evolution of amino acid sensing chemoreceptors in Pseudomonas”
2019 Molecular Genetics of Bacteria and Phages Meeting (August 5 – 9) in Madison, Wisconsin
Igor Jouline – “How new receptors arise in bacteria”
We are awarded a MIRA grant from NIH
Igor Jouline has received a $1.9 million grant from the Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) program of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS). This 5-year grant will support our research program in two key areas: (i) bacterial signal transduction and (ii) human proteins in health and disease. Read more.
New students joined the lab
Nick Mendenhall starts his journey towards the PhD degree in our lab and Matt Schuetz will carry out his undergraduate research with us.
MiST3.0 is released!
The wait is over – MiST3.0 has just been launched!
The database is still under a heavy development, so please be patient – some genomes are still being processed, but all reference and representative RefSeq genomes are available for exploration.
Please, send us your comments and report issues.
Many thanks to Luke Ulrich and Vadim Gumerov for the final push and to Davi Ortega and Ogun Adebali for their contributions.
BLAST XV: January 20-25, 2019
Location: New Orleans, French Quarter, Doubletree by Hilton Hotel, 300 Canal Street, New Orleans.
Keynote speakers: Prof. Michael Laub (MIT, HHMI) and Prof. Roman Stocker (ETH, Zürich)
Sessions and Chairs:
Microbial Signal Perception Chair – Victor Sourjik (Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology)
Cellular Signal Processing Chair – Regine Hengge (Humboldt University Berlin)
Signal Response: The output Chair – Gladys Alexandre (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Interactions and Communities Chair – Clay Fuqua (Indiana University)
Microbial Traits: Behavior, Development and Pathogenesis Chair – Carl Bauer (Indiana University)
Integrative Approaches – Computer Models, Synthetic Biology, and Systems Biology Chair – Mark Goulian (University of Pennsylvania)
Latest Technology Innovations Chair – Ming Hammond (University of California, Berkeley)
Our first few weeks at OSU
Moving the lab to another state is always a challenge. We are 80% operational now and we are working hard on closing the gap. Several first year graduate students expressed interest in rotating with us and we are looking forward to welcome them to the lab. All computers, half of the servers and a coffee maker are functional and the white boards are ready to be placed on the walls. We are on the roll.