Artifacts: Mentor Profile

For my mentor interview, I interviewed Ms. Emma King. Emma was born in Toronto, Canada and has a dual citizenship (American and Canadian), but her family lives in Sylvania, Ohio (near Michigan). Most of her extended family lives in the Toronto area so her family goes and visits them at least twice a year. Her favorite things to do in Toronto is to explore the downtown area and enjoy the amazing cuisine there, she also loves going to the Eaton Center.

She is currently a second year PSL student majoring in Political Science and Psychology living on the sixth floor of Smith-Steeb Hall (which apparently has a moth infestation?). Aside from the academics she also is involved in extracurriculars such as College Dems in which she is mostly just a general member and Mock Trial. Her end goal is to become a Criminal Defense attorney because she believes that the justice system is flawed and believes she has the ability to make an impact and help those that are wrongfully accused.

In Emma’s free time she enjoys sleeping, watching Netflix, and eating. She loves to travel with her family and her favorite vacation with them was either the one to Iceland, Costa Rica, or Jamaica. One of her favorite shows is Brooklyn 99 and her favorite movies include Interstellar as well as many of the Marvel films. Her ranking of Chris’s goes Evans, Hemsworth, and Pine (Note: Pratt is not included because she just doesn’t like him that much, both as an actor and for the role that he played in the MCU plot, despite him being part of the MCU).