Hi guys, this week I studied how to keep my self motivated through module 7 of ESEPSY 1159. ANd the most useful thing that I found in this module is the value of sleep and how to fall in sleep in a short time. I used to be a person who usually stay up late to play video games. It is unhealthy and hurts my body. After watching the video ” The benefit of a good night” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gedoSfZvBgE&feature=youtu.be, I realized that I need to relate my schedule of sleep to keep the efficiency of study and healthy. Besides sleeping, one more thing in this module that I have already in use is the way to keep myself from being distracted. In a world full of various distractions, it is really hard for us to focus on one thing. Thus we have to eliminate those possible distractions before we are plan to focus on something. And the way I’m using is to leave all my electronics except my laptop in another room, thus I can focus on whatever I want to do. And there is also one tip that I want to try it out in the future, it is taking breaks from time to time. And I think that definitely can help me be more efficient in my work. That is all I want to share for this week.