Module 6 Blog Post

In module 6, I think the most useful thing I learned is “Research”. Research is not simply finding information, it has to look for quality resources with a critical view. Before I learned this lesson, I usually confused myself about search and research. And through the lecture, there are many differences between search and research. With research questions, there is typically no right or wrong answer. And the information that we look up should be trustworthy, accurate, and reliable.

Three things are really important when we considered source credibility, reliability, quality, and utility. Ask ourselves related questions before we utilize a source is really helpful. For instance, ask yourself the information quality question that is the information consistent? Is the information up to date? Reliability, quality, and utility questions toward sources could help us better distinguish is the article credibile or not to our academic writing.

Moreover, three major ways the search engines search that mentioned in the lecture are also useful that effectively research a topic. That keyword search, category search, and metasearch. I prefer keyword search most, and I also like use this way to do my research. Because everything you find out is related to your topic. And you can easily access into them and find what is apply to you research.

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