Module 3 Blog

This module is helpful to every student who is in college life. And from my perspective, how to beat procrastination is the most useful thing I learned in this module.

The lecture introduced three ways to beat procrastination, and I believe breaking a big task into small pieces is the most efficient and easiest way to beat procrastination. When we face a big task, it’s easy for us to be lazy that the big task will cost us a long time to finish. Especially there are many interesting things that may distract our attention. So, if you break a big and hard assignment into many small tasks, it’s much easier to finish. Short-time work is hard to be distracted, and when the task is finished also motivated you to move on. Besides, strong self-control is also very important. I like the idea of the ultimate goal versus current desire. It’s another way to beat procrastination. When you want to quit or when you are lazy, think about your final rewards. It’s your choice and you should be responsible for your final goal.

One more thing to mention is time tracking techniques. I think everyone should also learn how to track their time. I already use google calendar to track my daily life and I found that it’s really helpful to conclude your schedule and make your time usage more efficient.

Module 2 Blog

One very important thing I learned in this module is to remember our audience can’t see our nonverbal communication when communicating online. Actually, studying online is not easier than studying face to face. We can not express our ideas or meaning through body language or eye contact. As a result, it’s really essential that illustrate everything you want to express clear and be specific. When I started my college life, I often mess up with my email to my advisor. I just put my question and request in the email but ignore the details and context of my request. So the communication was really ineffective at that time. However, keep in mind that be specific and provide detail to your audience when communicating online. And email format in this module is also really important. As an international student, I send emails just like sending messages on social media at the beginning which also bothers me for a quite long time. Until now, I sometimes will get wrong with the email format. So this part of the module really helps me a lot that ensure I send emails in the correct way in the future. In conclusion, for students who preparing for college study or are already in college, communicating online is inevitable. So, keep in mind that people who receive your message can’t see your face, and a good format of email is also important to let others have a good impression of you.

Reference:, page 8