
Journal Publications:

  1. Peng Peng, Rui Liu, Julia Zhang, “Generalized high-fidelity reduced-order model of doubly-fed machines and induction machines,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, AUG. 2024.
  2. Xie, Y.; Zhang, J.; Leonardi, F.; Munoz R. A.; Degner W. M. (2022) Investigation of Surge Voltage Propagation in Inverter-driven Electric Machine Windings. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.  Doi: 10.1109/TIE.2022.3220863
  3. Peng, P.; Chen, L.; Wang, X.; Liu, R.; Brugmann, A.; Utt, L.; Kline, E.; Zhang, J.; Xu, L. (2022) Design of a Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine for Aviation Electric Propulsion.  IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Doi: 10.1109/TIA.2022.3180283
  4. Pan, J.; Ke, Z.; Li, X.; Zhao, Y.; Zhang, J.; Wang, J.; Xu, L. (2022). Integrated Control and Performance Analysis of High-Speed Medium-Voltage Drive Using Modular Multilevel Converter.  IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. Doi: 10.1109/JESTPE.2022.3142052
  5. Hu, B.; Wei, Z.; You, H.; Na, R.; Liu, R.; Xiong, H.; Fu, P.; Zhang, J.; Wang, J. (2021). A Partial Discharge Study of Medium-voltage Motor Winding Insulation under Two-level Voltage Pulses with High dv/dt. IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics.  Doi:10.1109/OJPEL.2021.3069780
  6. Ke, Z.; Pan, J.; Al Sabbagh, M.; Na R.; Zhang, J.; Wang, J.; Xu, L. (2020). Capacitor Voltage Ripple Estimation and Optimal Sizing of Modular Multilevel Converters for Variable-Speed Drives. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS. Doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2988403
  7. Xie, Y.; Zhang, J.; Leonardi, F. Munoz, A. R.; Degner, M. W.; Liang, F. (2020). Voltage Stress Modeling and Measurement for Random-wound Machine Windings Driven by Inverters.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONs. Doi: 10.1109/TIA.2020.2986184
  8. Pan, J.; Ke, Z.; Li, H.; Perdikakis, W.; Zhang, J.; Wang, J.; Xu, L. (2020). 7-kV, 1-MVA SiC-based Modular Multilevel Converter Prototype for Medium-voltage Electric Machine Drives. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS. Doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2978657
  9. Peng, P.; Zhang, J.; Li, W.; Leonardi, F.; Rong, C.; Degner, M.; Liang, F.; Zhu, L. (2020). Time-dependent Demagnetization of NdFeB Magnets under DC and Pulsed Magnetic Fields. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 56(3), doi:10.1109/TMAG.2020.2966572
  10. Xiong, H.; Liu, R.; Hu, B.; Wei, Z.; You, H.; Zhang, J.; Wang, J. (2019). Insulation monitoring in medium-voltage propulsion electric machine with SiC-based variable speed drive. NAVAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL, 131 (4), 121-137.
  11. Xie, Y.; Zhang, J.; Leonardi, F.; Munoz, A.; Degner, M.; Liang, F. Modeling and Verification of Electrical Stress in Inverter-Driven Electric Machine Windings. (2019). IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, 55 (6), 5818-5829. doi:10.1109/TIA.2019.2937068
  12. Han, P.; Zhang, J.; Cheng, M. (2019). Analytical Analysis and Performance Characterization of Brushless Doubly Fed Machines with Multibarrier Rotors. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, 55 (6), 5758-5767. doi:10.1109/TIA.2019.2931963
  13. Pan, J.; Ke, Z.; Al Sabbagh, M.; Na, R.; Zhang, J.; Wang, J.; Xu, L. (2019). Zero-cost Closed-loop Discharging Method for Modular Multilevel Converter Submodules without External Circuits. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONs, 55 (6), 5758-5767. doi:10.1109/TIA.2019.2916830
  14. Peng, P.; Xiong, H.; Zhang, J.; Li, W.; Leonardi, F.; Rong, C. Degner, M.W.; Liang, F.; Zhu, L. (2017). Effects of External Field Orientation on Permanent Magnet Demagnetization. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 53 (4), 3438-3446. doi:10.1109/TIA.2017.2686344
  15. Ke, Z.; Zhang, J.; Degner, M.W. (2017). DC Bus Capacitor Discharge of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machine Drive Systems for Hybrid Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 53 (2), 1399-1405. doi:10.1109/TIA.2016.2636279
  16. Ke, Z.; Zhang, J.; Raich, R. (2017). Low-Frequency Current Oscillation Reduction for Six-Step Operation of Three-Phase Inverters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 32 (4), 2948-2956. doi:10.1109/TPEL.2016.2570214
  17. McCamish, B.; Kulkarni, J.; Ke, Z.; Harpool, S.; Huo, C.; Brekken, T.; Cotilla-Sanchez, E.; Zhang, J.; von Jouanne, A.; Yokochi, A. (2016). A rapid PMU-based load composition and PMU estimation method. Electric Power Systems Research, 143, 44-52. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2016.10.028
  18. Xiong, H.; Zhang, J.; Degner, M.W.; Rong, C.; Liang, F.; Li, W. (2016). Permanent-Magnet Demagnetization Design and Validation. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 52 (4), 2961-2970. doi:10.1109/TIA.2016.2544739
  19. Sheng, T.; Wang, X.; Zhang, J.; Deng, Z. (2015). Torque-Ripple Mitigation for Brushless DC Machine Drive System Using One-Cycle Average Torque Control. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 62 (4), 2114-2122. doi:10.1109/TIE.2014.2351377
  20. Zhang, J.; Xu, L.; Guven, M.; Chi, S. (2011). Experimental Verification of Deep Field Weakening Operation of a 50-kW IPM Machine by Using Single Current Regulator. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 44 (1), 128-133. doi:10.1109/TIA.2010.2091478
  21. Xu, L.; Zhang, J.; Wen, X. (2009). Multioperational Modes and Control Strategies of Dual-Mechanical-Port Machine for Hybrid Electrical Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 45 (2), 747-755. doi:10.1109/TIA.2009.2013575
  22. Deng, Z.; Yang, G.; Zhang, J.; Cao, X.; Wang, X. (2005). An Innovative Mathematical Model for a Bearingless Switched Reluctance Motor. Proceedings of the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering, 25(9), 139-146.

Conference Publications:

  1. Jonathan Hall, Ethan Kowalski, Jose Del Castillo, Julia Zhang, “Nonlinear bidirectional control of three-stage aircraft generators,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2024.
  2. Conner Ozatalar, Jeremiah Vannest, Julia Zhang, Shengyi Liu, Lijun Gao, “Wound-rotor asynchronous machines for use in electrical power generation in aviation,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2024.
  3. Peng Peng, Sina Vahid, Ayman El-Refaie, Julia Zhang, “A narrowband independent-speed variable-frequency aviation generator,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2023.
  4. Vannest, J.; Zhang, J.; Gao, L.; Liu, S. (2022-01). Investigation of High-Frequency Rotary Transformer in Independent Speed Variable Frequency Generators in Aircraft Applications, AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum.
  5. Yost, K.; Chen, L. M.; Adamson Z.; Baudendistel T.; Perdikakis W.; Kitzmiller C.; Zhang, J. (2021-07).  Low-cost Analysis Methods of Automotive Electric Machines for Aviation Applications.  AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2021 Forum.
  6. Kelly, B.; Zhang, J.; Chen, L. M. (2021-06). Bar-wound Machine  VoltageStress: a Method for 2D FE Modeling and Testing. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition.
  7. You, H.; Wang, H.; Regatti, J.; Hall, J.; Schnabel A.; Hu, B.; Zhang, J.; Gupta, A.; Wang, J. (2021-05). Intelligent Health Monitoring System Hardware Design for Paralleled Devices with Fast dv/dt Output. IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference.
  8. Regatti, J.; You, H.; Wang, H.; Hall, J.; Schnabel, A.; Hu, B.; Zhang, J.; Wang, J.; Gupta, A. (2021-05) A Discussion of Artificial Intelligence Applications in SiC MOSFET Device Operation. IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference.
  9. Liu, R.; Li, X.; Hu, B.; Ke, Z.; Pan, J.; Xu, L.; Zhang, J.; Wang, J. (2021-05). Arm Current Overshoot Reduction for Submodule Open-circuit Fault Recognition in Modular Multilevel Converters. IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference.
  10. Peng, P.; Wang, X.; Chen, L. M.; Vannest J.; Zhang, J.; Brugmann, A.; Utt, L.; Kline, E.; Xu, L. (2021-05). Finite Element-based Efficiency Mapping of Brushless Doubly-fed Machines.  IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference.
  11. Xie, Y.; Wang, X.; Chen, L. M.; Zhang, J.; Leonardi, F.; Munoz A. R.; Song, B. M.; Degner M. W. (2021-05). In-slot Direct Cooling Design and Optimization for Electric Machines.  IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference.
  12. Peng, P.; Zhang, J.; Brugmann, A.; Utt, L.; Wang, X.; Hu, B.; Kline, E.; Xu, L., Wang, J. (2020-10).  A Turboelectric Distributed Propulsion Based on Brushless Doubly-fed Machines. Presented at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition.
  13. Peng, P.; Wang, X.; Brugmann, A.; Utt, L.; Kline, E.; Zhang, J.; Xu, L. (2020-06). Design of a Brushless Doubly-fed Machine for Aviation Turboelectric Distributed Propulsion. Presented at IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference.
  14. Xie, Y.; Zhang, J.; Leonardi, F.; Munoz A. R.; Degner, M. W, Komma, D. (2020-06). Voltage Propagation in Inverter-driven Machine Windings over Wide Operation Range. Presented at IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference.
  15. Potty, K.; Al Sabbagh, M.; Pan, J.; Ke, Z.; Zhang, J.; Xu, L.; Wang, J. (2020-03).  Performance Improvement of Medium Voltage Modular Multilevel Converter based Motor Drive Using SiC MOSFETS. Paper presented at IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition.
  16. Peng, P.; Zhang, J. (2019-10). Design of a Variable-Flux Permanent Magnet Machine using Alnico 9 and Comparison with a Baseline Interior Permanent Magnet Machine. Paper presented at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition.
  17. Xiong, H.; Liu, R.; Hu, B.; You, H.; Wei, Z.; Zhang, J.; Wang, J. (2019-06). The Ohio State University partial discharge detection platform for electric machine windings driven by PWM voltage excitation. Paper presented at IEEE Electric Insulation Conference.
  18. Xie, Y.; Zhang, J.; Leonardi, F.; Munoz, A.; Degner, M.; Liang, F. (2019-05). Voltage stress modeling and measurement for random-wound windings driven by inverters. Paper presented at IEEE International Electric Machine and Drive Conference.
  19. Xu, L.; Xiong, H.; Ke, Z.; Woo, J.; Zhang, J.; Dong, S. (2019-05). Design and Experimental Evaluation of a High Specific Power Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine. Paper presented at IEEE International Electric Machine and Drive Conference.
  20. Peng, P.; Zhang, J.; Li, W.; Leonardi, F.; Rong, C.; Degner, M.; Liang, F.; Zhu, L. (2019-05). Temperature-dependent demagnetization of Nd-Feb-B Magnets for Electrified Vehicles, Paper presented at IEEE International Electric Machine and Drive Conference.
  21. Potty, K.; Al Sabbagh, M.; Pan, J.; Ke, Z.; Li, H.; Na, R.; Yue D.; Zhang, J.; Xu, L.; Wang, J. (2019-05). Submodule Capacitor Reduction for a 1 MVA SiC-based Modular Multilevel Converter Motor Drive Using High Frequency Common-mode Voltage Injection. Paper presented at IEEE International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management.
  22. Xiong, H.; Liu, R.; Hu, B.; Wei, Z.; You, H.; Zhang, J.; Wang, J. (2019-05). Comparison of effects of Si-based and SiC-based variable speed drives on stator winding insulation for medium-voltage propulsion electric machines. Paper presented at Intelligent Ship Symposium.
  23. Ke, Z.; Pan, J.; Na, R.; Potty, K.; Zhang, J.; Wang, J.; Xu, L. (2019-03). Single-submodule open-circuit fault diagnosis for a modular multi-level converter using artificial intelligent-based techniques. Paper presented at IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition.
  24. Pan, J.; Ke, Z.; Na, R.; Zhang, J.; Xu, L. (2019-03). High-speed and high-dynamic variable frequency drive using modular multilevel converter and SiC devices. Paper presented at IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition.
  25. Xie, Y.; Zhang, J.; Leonardi, F.; Munoz, A.; Liang, F.; Degner, M. (2018-10). Modeling and Verification of Electrical Stress in Inverter-driven Electric Machine Windings. Paper presented at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition.
  26. Pan, J.; Ke, Z.; Al Sabbagh, M.; Na, R.; Zhang, J.; Wang, J.; Xu, L. (2018-10). A novel discharging control strategy for modular multilevel converter submodules without using external circuit. Paper presented at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition.
  27. Pan, J.; Ke, Z.; Al Sabbagh, M.; Na, R.; Zhang, J.; Wang, J.; Xu, L. (2018-10). Circulating current resonant oscillation in modular multilevel converters for variable frequency operation and its suppression method. Paper presented at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition.
  28. Xiong, H.; Zhang, J.; Annete von Jouanne, (2018-10). Control of Variable Frequency Drive PWM to Mitigate Motor Overvoltage Due to Double Pulsing in Reflected Wave Phenomenon. Paper presented at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition.
  29. Han, P.; Zhang, J.; Cheng, M. (2018-10). Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine with a Multiple-Barrier Rotor. Paper presented at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition.
  30. Ke, Z.; Pan, J.; Na, R.; Zhang, F.; Li, H.; Potty, K.; Zhang, J.; Wang, J.; Xu, L. (2018-05). Common Mode Voltage Compensation for Capacitor Voltage Ripple Reduction of 7-kV SiC-based Modular Multilevel Converter. Paper presented at IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Asia.
  31. Li, H.; Potty, K.; Ke, Z.; Pan, J.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, F. Al Sabbagh, M.; Perdikakis, W.; Li, G.; Ye, X.; Na, R.; Zhang, J.; Xu, L.; Wang, J. (2018-03). Hardware design of a 1.7 kV SiC MOSFET based MMC for medium voltage motor drives. Paper presented at IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition.
  32. Ke, Z.; Pan, J.; Potty, K.; Perdikakis, W.; Shamuganaatham, A.; Al Sabbagh, M.; Zhang, J.; Luo, F.; Wang, J.; Wang, J.; Xu, L. (2017-09). Optimal submodule capacitor sizing for modular multilevel converters with common mode voltage injection and circulating current control. Paper presented at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition.
  33. Chalishazar, V.; Huo, C.; Fox, I.; Hagan, T.; Cotilla-Sanchez, E.; von Jouannes, A. Zhang, J.; Brekken, T.; Bass, R. (2017-05). Modeling power system buses using performance based earthquake engineering methods. Paper presented at IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting.
  34. Xiong, H.; Louie, A.; Liu, R.; Zhang, J.; von Jouanne, A. (2017-05). Finite Element Analysis Modeling and Experimental Verification of Reflected Wave Phenomena in Variable Speed Machine Drive Cables. Paper presented at IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference.
  35. Peng, P.; Xiong, H.; Zhang, J.; Li, W.; Leonardi, F.; Rong, C.; Degner, M.; Liang, F.; Zhu, L. (2016-09). Effects of External Field Orientation on Permanent Magnet Demagnetization. Paper presented at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition.
  36. Xiong, H.; Louie, A.; Zhang, J.; von Jouanne, A. (2016-05). Physics-based Modeling and Simulation of Partial Discharge for Windings of Inverter Driven Electric Machines. Paper presented at the American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE) Advanced Machinery Technology Symposium (AMTS).
  37. Ke, Z.; Zhang, J.; Degner, M.W. (2016-03). DC bus capacitor discharge of permanent magnet synchronous machine drive systems for hybrid electric vehicles. Paper presented at IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC).
  38. Xiong, H.; Zhang, J.; Degner, M.W.; Rong, C.; Liang, F.; Li, W. (2015-09). Permanent magnet demagnetization design and validation. Paper presented at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE).
  39. Kulkarni, H.; McCamish, B.; Ke, Z.; Harpool, S.; von Jouanne, A.; Cotilla-Sanchez, E.; Zhang, J.; Yokochi, A.; Brekken, T. (2015-07). Rapid grid state estimation using singular value decomposition similarity matching. Paper presented at IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability.
  40. Rhinefrank, K.; Schacher, A.; Prudell, J.; Hammagren, E.; von Jouanne, A.; Brekken, T.; Zhang, J. (2015-07). IEEE standards for oscillating machines to advance direct-drive wave energy generators. Paper presented at IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM).
  41. Waterman, J.; Clucas, A.; Costa, T.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, J. (2015-05). Numerical Modeling of 3D Printed Electric Machines. Paper presented at IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC).
  42. Ke, Z.; Zhang, J. (2015-03). Subharmonic reduction for six-step operation of three-phase inverter. Paper presented at IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC).
  43. Grafmüller, J.; Zhang, J. (2014-12). Asymmetric stator teeth for torque ripple reduction of permanent magnet synchronous machines for hybrid electric vehicles. Paper presented at IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference (ITEC).
  44. Wang, X.; Ren, X.; Zhang, J. (2013-09). Short-circuit fault-tolerant control of permanent magnet slice motor. Paper presented at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Expositions (ECCE).
  45. Zhang, Z.; Xu, L.; Zhang, Y.; Guan, B. (2010-09). Novel rotor-side control scheme for doubly fed induction generator to ride through grid faults. Paper presented at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Expositions (ECCE).
  46. Zhang, J.; Lin, F.; Zhang, Z.; Xu, L. (2010-02). Direct voltage vector control for field weakening operation of PM machines. Paper presented at IEEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois.
  47. Zhang, J.; Xu, L.; Sun, X. (2009-09). Design and evaluation of a 300 kW dual mechanical port machine used as variable gearbox in wind power generation. Paper presented at Exposition of Electrical Manufacturing and Coil Winding Association.
  48. Zhang, J.; Xu, L.; Guven, M.K.; Chi, S.; Illindala, M.S. (2009-09). Experimental verification of deep flux-weakening operation of a 50 kW IPM machine by using single current regulator.
  49. Xu, L.; Zhang, J.; Guven, M.K. (2008-10). A new method to optimize q-axis voltage for deep flux weakening control of IPM machines based on single current regulator. Paper presented at IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS).
  50. Xu, L.; Zhang, J.; Wen, X. (2007-09). Multi-operational modes and control strategies of dual mechanical port machine for hybrid electrical vehicles. Paper presented at IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS).
  51. Zhang, J.; Xu, L. (2006-09). Application of dual mechanical port machine in hybrid electrical vehicles. Paper presented at IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC).
  52. Xu, L.; Zhang, J. (2006-08). Design and evaluation of a dual mechanical port machine and system. Paper presented at IEEE Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC).