Project Planning

Software Flowchart

Function Descriptions

Select Character

  • This function allows the user to choose one of the three character options as the character they would like to play with. This function will be written by Alex.

Draw Map

  • This function renders the map that the user will play on. If time permits, we plan on making multiple maps and randomly choosing one of the maps each time a new game is started. This function will be written by Alex.

Spawn Power Ups

  • This function generates random locations for the power ups to be spawned on the map. It will also check to make sure these power ups are not placed where obstacles are placed. This function will be written by Trevor.

Draw Obstacles

  • This function generates the obstacles for the map. There will be four sets of obstacles, and this function will choose one of them randomly to be rendered on the map. This function will be written by Trevor.

AI Action

  • This function will control the AI enemy, which involves tracking and attacking the player. It will also ensure the enemy avoids obstacles, ensure it can pick up power ups, and check to see if the enemy is still alive. This function will be written by Alex and Trevor due to the vastness of it.

Player Action

  • This function allows the player to move and attack the enemy. It also ensures the player is not overlapping obstacles and is able to pick up power ups. This function will be written by Alex and Trevor due to the vastness of it.


  • This function allows the player to move in the direction of the mouse relative to the center of the screen. This function will be written by Trevor.

Check Collision

  • This function checks to see if the player is overlapping with an obstacle and adjusts the players location based on the result of the conditional. This function will be written by Alex.

Use Weapon

  • This function allows the player to shoot at the enemy based on the direction the player is facing. It will be triggered by a mouse click. This function will be written by Alex.

End Screen

  • This function displays the high scores of the game and allows the player to choose whether they would like to return to the home screen or play again. This function will be written by Trevor. 

Additional Work Distribution

Below is a list of the work that remains past the game itself and who will be working on each item.

  • Promotional Poster
    • Trevor
  • MAVCO Pitch Video
    • Trevor
    • Script written by Alex
  • Intended Audience Pitch Video
    • Trevor
    • Script written by Alex
  • Website Content
    • Alex
  • Website Formatting
    • Trevor