Question: For this blog post I want you to discuss how the ideals described in reading #2 above relate to the definition of neoliberalism offered by your speaker. Select 2-3 ideals discussed in the reading and connect them to specifics of your assigned speaker’s definition.
Some of the 5 ideals in Reading #2, “Chater 2: Refining and Debating America’s Founding Ideals,” may have connection to Sealing Cheng’s definition of neoliberalism. In the video, “What is Neoliberalism?” Cheng relates neoliberalism to gender sexuality. She believes that neoliberalism is very private and individual. She thinks that the key strategy of neoliberalism is to balance heterosexual unions in society. There are two ideals that have connection to Sealing Cheng’s definition of neoliberalism. First, the ideal of liberty is close related to Cheng’s definition of neoliberalism because she believes in the liberty of gender sexuality. Second, the ideal of opportunity is another one, which connects to Cheng’s definition of neoliberalism because sexuality is every man’s dream. In other words, people should have the opportunity to pursuit sexuality since it is a man’s innate desire.