Do you know how to take notes? Really. Do you know how to take efficient and understandable notes?
How many times, when you take notes on certain subject, do you copy word for word? Do you think before you write down certain notes? Personally, I found that I had a hard time to pay attention and take good notes. It is not easy to take notes well in class; especially, when you are tired and stress about something. Through this lecture, I learned that there are different ways of taking notes. Furthermore, different subject might be good when we take notes in certain style. There are no specific way of taking notes. Taking notes are matter of personal preference. Ask yourself, which way do I like to take my notes? Which way can I understand myself when I take notes in class?
There are a few things that we need to remember when we take notes. They are extremely easy to say, but it is hard to do. First, listen. Listen to the instructor. Listen and comprehend the materials that he covers in class. Listening means pay attention. Second, Write. Write down the lesson in your own words. If we can do these two step well in class, it will be much easier when we review for an exam.
No matter how tired you are, please force yourself to pay attention and take notes in class. Since you are there in the classroom, whey not use your time wisely?
Good Luck!
I could not agree with you more when you say that is it hard to “pay attention and take good notes” simultaneously! You gave some great advice when taking notes like writing down the lesson in your own words instead of just copying down word for word. Overall great post!