Got Integrity?

I am going to talk about the main points of the video that I found on YouTube. I am going to use note taking method to list the points clearly.  First, this video is about academic integrity.  Academic integrity is extremely important because without an integrity, a degreed is nothing. We need to consider the importance of plagiarism every second, every minute, and everyday.  If we don’t pay attention, we might slip into the hole of plagiarism. Second, I am going to point three very important points that UVic Libraries Music and Media Department presented in the video.  Finally, please consider the importance of plagiarism.  It is more important than an academic degreed.

Main Points of the Video:

Academic Integrity:

What is Plagiarism?

1). Buying paper from other authors and using other people’s ideas and sentences without quoting is considered plagiarism (UVic Libraries Music and Media Department, 2012).

2). Incorrect quotation is plagiarism (UVic Libraries Music and Media Department, 2012).

3). When we use our previous write in another paper without citing it, then it is also considered plagiarism (UVic Libraries Music and Media Department, 2012).

In this video, I learned something new.  I learned that when we use our own quotes from previous paper without citing it, then it is considered plagiarism. Interestingly enough, we can plagiarize our own works! Can we steal from ourself? Sure, we can. We can steal from ourself if we do something that we know it is wrong. When we lie or cheat to other people.  We think that we are lying to other people, but we are lying to ourself in the end. I guess they are right. Some how! We can plagiarize our own works. Plagiarism is not only about stealing, but it is also about your character.  What kind of person do you want to be?

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