Student Organization



The past couple of weeks, I’ve been attending an event called “Real Life” put on by Cru, a Christian organization centered around fellowship between student. I found out about it at the involvement fair during welcome week and decided to attend the following Sunday. I attended with a couple a friends and decided that I would begin attending on a regular occasion, and during the second week, Cru introduced another opportunity to get involved in an organization, Freshman Leadership Team, otherwise known as FLT.

FLT is a sub-organization of Cru that promotes leadership and welcoming qualities in first years that want to take on a role in Cru throughout their years at OSU. The first meeting was kind of awkward, and not to mention hot; the entire room was packed with freshman eager to become a part of Cru in the future! Hopefully, going to FLT will help me take on more of a leadership role in Cru in the future, most likely something along the lines of a small group leader. Also, I’m super excited to see what  relationships I can build here with peers that have similar beliefs to me. Almost every student I met at the FLT meeting was joyful and just as excited as me to begin building a community within the club that we can use to reach those outside of it.

One thing I’ve had to adjust to is Cru meeting on Sunday nights, which is when I used to finish all of my homework during my High School years. I’ve had to be intentional about my time an where my priorities lie regarding friends, school, and faith. I will also need to begin managing my work even more if FLT leads to work outside of the meetings on Thursdays.

This last meeting, at “Real Life”, Cru invited some individuals who were from “The Thompson Institute”, an organization of Christian Professors and Scholars, to come and talk to us. I plan on getting in contact with a few of the Engineering individuals there and maybe striking up a conversation on how their faith has affected their professional decisions. Hopefully, this may even lead to connections in the future regarding research and internship opportunities.

I didn’t have any particular trouble finding Cru, my only problem was choosing between Cru and one of the other 20 or so Christian organizations on campus. There were multiple other ones that I considered and a few I even attended such as H20 and Campus City Church.  They even have small groups for each dorm to build stronger relationships with those that each student will be living with for the next year. I think that the size of OSU has a hindrance on this exact portion of student organizations. Some of the clubs seem so large that it’s hard to feel like your’re actually a tangible part of the whole. That’s the reason I decided to focus on Cru; the different community I saw within it a different community that, despite the size of the organization, they truly seemed to care for each student who attended.


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