Photo Reflection

Exploring of future works

According to Payscale, I will get two fascinating jobs in the future. One job is VP, Sales, and the other job is VP, HR. I will introduce the essence of these two jobs, such as basic income, gender ratio, educational background, and my views on these two jobs. I am very pleased to inform your guys what my future jobs look like.

HRs are evaluating the staff (This picture comes from

My first job is VP, HR. The full name of HR is human resources management. HR’s work is to achieve a certain goal. Therefore they select, train, assess, reward staff. Human resources are the most important strategic resources for enterprises to achieve excellent performance results. To some extent, the competition of products and services is manifested as the competition of human resources quality. Human resource management is generally divided into six modules: 1. Human resource planning; 2. Recruitment and allocation; 3. Training and development; 4. Performance management; 5. Compensation and welfare management; 6. Labor relations management. The six elements are essential for business owners to master employee and human resource management.

My second job is VP, Sales. Sales mean sales work, which refers to the act of providing products or services to a third party by selling, leasing, including relevant auxiliary activities to promote this behavior, such as advertising, promotion, exhibition… The process of selling is primarily a process of removing resistance. All questions, evasion, refusal, and other problems encountered in the sales process are collectively referred to as sales resistance. Every customer in the purchase of products, the resistance is produced in the process of his purchase will inevitably happen a thing, is very normal. If a customer buys something, he doesn’t resist it at all, and sometimes it’s not normal. So treat the customer’s resistance as a question, and the salesperson’s job is to answer the question skillfully. Sales duties include:

A salesperson needs to master a lot of work: communication, contracts, advertising… (This picture comes from

1. Market research, market analysis, production decision, market positioning.
2. Research and development of new products, production, marketing planning, brand promotion, market publicity, new product display, and contract negotiation.
3. Product supply, market delivery, product transportation, and payment settlement.
4. Sales have rigorous and logical thinking.
5. Sales have integrity and transparency.



HR and Sales’ detailed information

– The National Median Pay is $153,200 and $140,900.

Details of both jobs (This picture comes from

– The Male and Female each occupy 83%:17% and 66%:34%.

– Median years of experience are 16 and 18.

– 68% and 49% of Sales and HR are bachelors.

– The most common Major is Business administration.

(Left number: Sales/Right number: HR)


Thoughts of my own

My major is economics, and my dream job is to be an expert in finance. I think the two jobs are very suitable for me. They are both experts related to finance. I like them both very much. I am quite satisfied with my salary, which I think is enough to prove my worth. A bachelor’s degree is sufficient for both jobs. I don’t think a higher degree will raise the salary. The satisfaction that these two jobs give me is definitely more important than the salary. These two jobs are on behalf of the elite, I can get sufficient recognition. Above are the points that I am satisfied with this job. Next, I would like to explain several shortcomings: 1. There is a gender imbalance between the two jobs, and the proportion of men is significantly greater than that of women. At work, a 50/50 gender ratio is the most appropriate; 2. Both jobs saw significantly slower wage growth. For elite jobs, wages have not risen as fast as the amount of work time. All in all, these two jobs are still very consistent with my interests and major, and I am willing to undertake their responsibilities.

One thought on “Photo Reflection

  1. Great job, Hao! I like your creative layout of this photo reflection, which is very clear and beautiful without a mess. You know what, we got the same job that is VP, HR, that is awesome. From my perspective, I think the person who fits this position should be capable of business skills, and also need to socialize with all kinds of people. Furthermore, the sale one also is a high-paid job and prove that you are a very talented person who would get an achievement in the future!

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