Study Space

Study space is one of the most important factor that impacts our productivity and effectiveness in our study. Everyone has different preferences of studying environments. Thus, it is necessary for us to try variety of environments and then find the most effective location. Take myself as an example, I never did my online tasks or reading some online materials at my dorm room. This is because this is a relaxable environment, and it is hard for me to focus on my coursework. Thus, I always go to the libraries, which the environment is pacific with a little bit serious. For me, the people who also quietly study in the libraries giving me an effective atmosphere.


Michael Reagan is nationally recognized as an authority on the architectural and technological intricacies of laboratory planning and design. He has planned and designed numerous projects involving instructional and research facilities at colleges and universities throughout the country, including Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, as well as laboratory facilities for private corporations. In his article, he mentioned the findings about study space in campus:

Here is a website that includes 10 tips for creating your ideal study space:

In addition, how about if there is no libraries nearby the house, and we have to study in our room? Then let’s create a study space in our room!

There are lots of factor of the environment influence our productivity, such as lights, temperature, and voice. In a relative high temperature study space, do we feel happy or tired? In a relative weak light environment, we want to sleep? Here is an social science article that tells us how the environment influence our productivity:

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In the end, not only the students begin to notice the importance of study space, but most educators also pay their attention to the study space in order to provide a better education. “The Space: a guide for educators” is designed to motivate, grow capacity, and energize educators to begin shifting their learning spaces to support modern learning for all students.


Taking Notes

Note-taking is always an important and necessary element when we are studying. There are lots of strategies about taking notes, such as acronyms, first letter, shortened words, and symbols are useful methods to take effective notes. I like to use the shortened words in my notes. For instance, as an economics student, we usually mention the word “government”, and I shortened it as “govern” in my note. It is convenient and easy to review. In addition, note taking is auxiliary for our to understand readings.

Here is an article tells why note-taking is important for us:

The above article is published by Rust college official website (where), and the author is Richard J. Frederick who is one of the professor in the college (who). The date of publishing is 2004 (when). And it was talking about the benefits of note-taking (what) with explanation and references (why). Thus, it is a relative good resource. However, it is possible that this article is out of date to provide a enough support.

University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg mentioned some stages to take notes in the class.

Here is the link:

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A useful notes should include the elements above, but you can still have your own note-taking process. 

Now, we know that note-taking is an necessary one in our study, so how we can create a good note? CrashCourse’s video tells us some skills to improve our notes:

We should not totally depend on the notes, but paying more attention to understand the materials. Thus, it is important for us to put information into our own words. Also, if we miss/do not understand somethings, making notes on it but move one. We can add a symbol –“?” next to this part, and ask for clarification after class. What’s more, after taking notes related to readings, it is worth taking the time to review our notes and then write a summary or analyzing. Also, comparing the new information and the one that you have knew helps you to update the knowledge.

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There is a book called “How to take a good note: The science behind note taking”, which mentioned that notes are an important tool for learning. We don’t take notes just to record a few facts so we can review them later. Learning happens as we take notes. Taking notes the right way leads to good study practices, better performance on exams, and long-term retention of information.

Time Management

Sometimes, we just waste lots of time due to our ineffective actions. And time management is one of the methods that helps us to active in an effective way. Why time management is important for us? How we can improve our ability of time management? What methods we can use to manage time in a better way? 

Firstly, from the AppointmentPlus website, here are some reasons:

Also, the U.S Department of State published an article to tell about why time management:

Here is the article

In my opinion, the article I posted above is an effective resource. This is because this is an official website (with the end of “gov.”), so it is an reliable information for audience. It talks about the why time management and what benefits that the time management brings to us. However, this article not include the name of the author, so it may not very match with 5W.

In addition, how we can improve our ability of time management?

I like to use planning tools to get my work done or list my context on calendar/ planner.  This is because the checklist helps me to manage my time. Combining with the short-term goals, it is the most useful and effective way to remind us that we have some work to do. I also have a calendar that records all my due days, and every time I see the calendar; I know it is time to start my work.

The priority matrix is one of the effective skills to manage time. It is a 2×2 matrix designed to help you discern which tasks/projects are “Critical and Urgent,” so you can focus on what matters most.

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  • Quadrant I – important deadlines with high urgency
    The first quadrant contains tasks and responsibilities that need immediate attention.
  • Quadrant II – long-term development and strategizing
    The second quadrant is for items that are important without requiring immediate action. Covey points out that this quadrant should be used for long-term strategizing.
  • Quadrant III – distractions with high urgency
    The third quadrant is reserved for tasks that are urgent, without being important. Covey recommends minimizing or even eliminating these tasks as they do not contribute to your output. Delegation is also an option here.
  • Quadrant IV – activities with little to no value
    The fourth and last quadrant focuses on tasks and responsibilities that do not yield any value—items that are unimportant and not urgent. These time wasters should be eliminated at any costs.

The priority matrix helps us manage our time more efficient.

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In the end, there is a book “Organize tomorrow today” , which the importance of planning your most important tasks (and must do task) the day before. Dr. Selk and Bartow use some of the peak performance techniques they have taught in the world of professional athletics to teach you how to perform at higher levels in life.