
Module 7

I think taking a deep breath is a beneficial way to relax and release the pressure. By taking deep breaths, your heart rate slows, more oxygen enters our blood stream and ultimately communicates with the brain to relax.

I had a large number of works to do every day. Therefore, taking a high-efficient break is necessary. Firstly, sitting in a comfortable position, putting one hand on the kennel and the other on the chest, and take a deep breath in through the nose, and let the belly push the hand out. Keeping breath 3-10 times every time. After exercise, I can feel that being more calm and more energy.

I think removing distractions while studying is also a good choice to boost efficiency. I recommend that, at the start of your study session, putting your phone on silent mode and place it far away from you. Preferably, you should place it at the other end of the room. This way, you won’t be interrupted by phone calls or text messages while you’re studying. You can always check your phone every 30 or 45 minutes when you take a break.

Finally, I want to share with my peers is no matter which strategy you choose, finding the best one, and keeping doing it is the most important.


Module 6

I think the most helpful tip is pre-searching. Research is not just finding a piece of information. Instead, we can see research as a thorough examination of a topic. This process includes locating information, but also reflecting on what you’re learned, adapting your ideas, organizing thoughts into a logical order, and then using those sources and ideas to produce a project or come to a decision.

I was always using google scholar when writing the research paper. Firstly, search the topic to find the journal or articles. As looking through the results, I can save articles to your library. Once I add something to the library, I can view a comprehensive info sheet of the article, including the abstract, and put it under a label to organize it with similar sources. Reading every whole article might waste time. Therefore, reviewing the abstract is necessary.

I will try the tip of pre-research, which is the most important part. The first step is getting inspired. Firstly, reviewing the course material. Secondly, browsing the web and media. Finding anything pique my interesting and reveal entire lists of the topics in my subject area. Finally talking with my professor. The professor is an expert in my field and can provide me with great ideas to research.

I want to share with classmate is being creative and logical, which are required merits while writing research paper.

Module 5

The most useful thing I learned from module 5 is Active listening.  Being an active listener can promote mindful thinking, which can reduce anxiety and depression. Moreover, it also helps students to gain self-understanding, improve relationships, and make learning easier.

In the last semester, I was active in the Statistic class. I sat in front of the room and away from the entrance. I also put away distractions, putting my cell phone and computer into bag. I downloaded the PowerPoint before the class and take notes on it. Moreover, I try to focus on the essence of the lecture and summarize the main point. Not only can I keep a step with the professor, but also can draw a clear outline which will be useful for reviewing. No matter which classes, we all need a clear structure, detailed notes, and instant reactions. Therefore, I think these strategies can be used in all classes.

I think I will try the “Cornell strategy” in the future. The system encourages students to reflect on their notes by summarizing them briefly in their own words. When reviewing your notes, it is useful to reorder objects on the page, for example, to add a solution to an answer on the side to the notes. There are a few steps to prepare:  the page will be divided into 4 — or sometimes only 3 — different sections: Two columns, one area at the bottom of the page, and one smaller area at the top of the page.

My suggestion to other students is to try as many strategies as you can and find the most useful to use in the future. Moreover, different classes, like history and mathematic, may need different strategies.

Moudule 4 Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies Blog Post

I learned the most from It seems like a great system for reading hard to understand the material, but because it does take a bit longer than the other methods, and I have been prone to stay away from it.  With this strategy allowing the reader to focus on smaller groups of material and have an increased amount of repetitions, this would be a great reading strategy for times when you have a lot of time to study a lot of in-depth material.


One of my majors is math which contains a large number of definitions. Therefore, I always have a question when I learned a new formula. I could see myself applying the second step: asking questions to be answered before the textbook is read. I force myself to think about the objectives for the chapter by generating a large number of questions and this will lead to more repetition on my part.


One study tool that I am going to use in the future is Mindmaps. I tried it once this week and find that it is a great tool for an Economic course. With the help of it, we can build a clear picture with all the definitions and their branches. Before the exam, we can follow the topics to review.


My advice to other students is to try all the possible studying tools and apply the most helpful one in the future. It is not necessary to stick to one all the time. Moreover, eliminating the distraction is necessary to improve studying efficiency.

Module 2

I think the most useful thing I learned in this module was online collaboration. I had an Economic history class that asks students to have a group presentation every two weeks. At first, we sent our PowerPoint to each other by email, which is time-waste and complicated.  In the second week, one of my group members mentioned Google Doc. After using Google Docs, the working efficiency is much higher. In the future, I will recommend Google online services to my friends, and apply them in virtual lessons.

I will use “18 Etiquette Tips for E-mailing Your Professor”. As mentioned in the article, the email is forever. Therefore, we need to promise our emails are polite and targeted. Sometime, there will be some accidents we need to talk with the professor. Instead of office hour, emails may be the most efficient method. We need to make our emails be simple and concise, logical and acknowledge. Moreover, being polite is also necessary. Not only to show your respect but also to keep a moderate connection with the professor.

I will recommend “5 tips for lazy group project”. I believe everyone has met a group member who would finish his part at the last minute or did it poorly. After reading this, I want to share with my classmates that providing a clear time schedule and tasks list rather than complaining will be much more helpful.