
Group Photos

Group photo in June 2024.

Group photo: Xian Yu (center) with Ph.D. students Huangrong Sun (left) and Zoey Zhu (right).Group photo in December 2023.

Current Ph.D. Students

Qing (Zoey) Zhu, Jan 2023 — Present [Homepage]

Qing (Zoey) Zhu is a Ph.D. student in Integrated Systems Engineering at The Ohio State University. She obtained her M.S. degree in Applied Mathematics from Columbia University and B.S. degree in Theoretical Mathematics from The Ohio State University. Her main research interests lie in developing optimization models and statistical guarantees for decision-making under uncertainty.


Huangrong Sun, Jan 2023 — Present [Homepage]

Huangrong Sun is a Ph.D. student in Integrated Systems Engineering at The Ohio State University. She obtained her M.S. degree in Operations Research from Georgia Institute of Technology and B.S. degree in Construction Management from Sichuan Agricultural University. Her research integrates machine learning and optimization models for transportation and logistics systems.


Minheng Xiao, Jan 2024 — Present [Homepage]

Minheng Xiao is a Ph.D. student in Integrated Systems Engineering at The Ohio State University. He obtained his M.ENG degree in Operations Research from University of Michigan and B.ENG degree in Civil Engineering from Tongji University. His research interests lie in developing theories and algorithms in Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning.


Prospective Students

I am always looking for enthusiastic Ph.D. students, with backgrounds in mathematics, statistics, operations research, industrial engineering, or computer science. If you are interested, please send me an email with your resume, transcript, and representative publications (if any). ApologiesĀ in advance as I am unable to respond to all emails.