
Service Engagement: Throughout my time in health science scholars, I participated in service activities to help the community and learn new things about myself and others. From volunteering to clean an elementary school to helping out at Ronald McDonald House, my experiences allowed me to impact the lives of others living in the community around Ohio State, making me a better individual. The teamwork of compassionate individuals made for great experiences that I will take with me throughout my life.

Volunteers at the Ronald McDonald House in Columbus, Ohio get to lend a helping hand at the community center by conducting cooking or baking events to contribute food for the families residing at the facility. I joined countless other students in volunteering our time to make various foods such as cookies and pancakes to give back to the community and impact the lives of needy families. Families that have a sick child and struggle with the financial burden of health care services. Whether it may be housing, food, expenses, or overarching medical care, RMHC gives families with sick children a fighting chance.