My First Semester at OSU

Overall, my first semester at OSU was incredible and eye-opening. At first, I was scared that classes were going to be impossibly difficult, that I wasn’t going to make any friends, and that I would struggle with going to such a massive school with so many people. Almost four months later, I’ve learned that I can succeed in my classes if I work my hardest, I’ve learned to make the closest friends I’ve ever had, and I’ve learned to be myself both in the classroom and in the dorm. College was a huge adjustment for me and I’ve learned to be independent and manage my time so that I’m productive yet social at the same time. 

Arts Scholars is a perfect fit for me – the people are unbelievably talented and kind, and there’s such a supportive environment in the dorm. I’ve learned to appreciate more forms of art as well as experience my friends’ talents in live concerts and shows. Arts Scholars has highly encouraged me to participate and get involved in several intriguing forms of art. One thing that I never thought I would do is attend a Greek Festival, but Arts Scholars showed me that it’s a different environment as well as an interesting place to see other people’s cultures in real life. Also during Arts Scholars Seminar, I learned a lot about the other Arts Scholars and unique ways of how they perceive things. From the projects such as the Inspiration Board, I learned about the various talents and characteristics of people and I learned about how they viewed themselves. Also I loved how Arts Scholars pushed me to experience Short North and visit the various shops and restaurants in town. I learned that I definitely should return for it is a famous and not to mention fun location in Columbus. 

I would like to be involved in Humanities Scholars in the future by continuing to attend my fellow scholars’ concerts and shows, as well as attending more activities in the dorm.